Colonel Erik Wong retires
Posted on May 19, 2017 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)

A retirement ceremony for Col Erik Wong was held during the May UTA weekend. The ceremony was held at Battery 407 in Diamond Head Crater. Brig Gen “Dugie” Wyrick presided over the ceremony.
Among the retirees attending were:
Stan and Betty Osserman. Brig Gen Osserman’s last assignment was the Commander, Hawaii Air National Guard
Dr. Richard and Lynn Ando. Col Ando retired as the State Air Surgeon.
Walton Auyong. Lt Col Auyong retired as the Chief Nurse of the 154th Medical Group.
Sydney and Kawehi Keliipuleole. Lt Col Keliipuleole retired as the Commander of the 154th Civil Engineer Squadron.
Erik’s military career included assignments in the 154th Civil Engineering Squadron, the 154th Medical Group and Headquarters, Hawaii Air National Guard. He retired from his federal position with the Navy several years ago.
Erik continues with the Headquarters, Hawaii Air National Guard in his state position.
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