Webmaster Comments: 17.01.16
Posted on Jan 16, 2017 in Webmaster CommentsTaps Revisit There were a lot of you who visited the 2016 Taps Recall post – http://wp.me/p3639O-4Vv. We worked with these Guard members and there is a memory or two for the members you knew.
You can revisit the 2015 Taps Recall post at http://wp.me/p3639O-3Y9
Benjamin Parker High School How many of the Castle High School graduates out there knew your high school’s origin? If you didn’t get to read the post, go to http://wp.me/p3639O-5IO
TRICARE Reorganization Throughout 2017, you will read a lot about the upcoming national reorganization of TRICARE. It has no impact of Hawaii. Basically, there three current TRICARE Regions will become two, with the North and South Regions merging to become the East Region.
However, beginning January 1, 2018, Health Net Federal Services, LLC will administer the West Region contract replacing UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans. Definitely more information to come during 2017 in preparation of this transistion.
Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) will continue to administer the TRICARE for Life program.
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