Retiree Update: Roy Cornella
Posted on Dec 21, 2016 in Retiree Update
Roy Cornella joined the Hawai‘i Air National Guard in November 1978 after serving six years on active duty. He was assigned to the 199th Fighter Squadron as a F-4C Phantom Weapons System Officer (WSO). He closed his flying phase of his career as a Master Navigator with over 1500 hours in F-4C/Ds.
After the squadron’s conversion to F-15 Eagles, he served in various positions with the 154th Mission Support Squadron.
Roy became the technician detachment commander of the 291st Combat Communications Squadron in Hilo, Hawaii in May 1991. He assumed command of the squadron on December 6, 1991. Roy retired in 2005 and remained in Hilo.
Recently, someone referred your webmaster to a website that updates information on Roy. Go to this website.
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