1SG Larry Hara Retires
Posted on Sep 30, 2016 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)Special Thanks to BG Kenneth Hara for sharing the photos for this posting.

Larry joined the Hawaii Army National Guard on September 10, 1974 and retired on September 18, 2016. He had a one year break in service so retired with 40 years of service.
Larry deployed twice in his career. The first deployment was with C/193rd Aviation to Iraq and his second deployment with 1-299 CAV to Kuwait.
His son Ryan also serves in the Active Duty and will be assigned to Hawaii for the first time with the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade.
Now that he is finally retired, Larry plans to start a garden on his new one acre lot and travel with his wife.
Congratulations and Happy Retirement to Larry!
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