Retiree Update: 16.09.15
Posted on Sep 15, 2016 in Retiree Update
I ran into Galen Nakahara at the commissary recently. After retiring from the Hq, 201st Combat Communications Group many years ago, he has volunteered in several areas, including teaching tennis in elementary schools.
After recovering from some medical challenges, he is starting to play tennis again. Great catching up with Galen.
George Yonamine retired with the 154th Medical Group, Hawaii Air National Guard career. In civilian life, he was a flight attendant with Aloha Airlines for many years until the company’s untimely demise. Since then, George serves as a sale representative for Paradise Cove Hawaii.
George mentioned that the medical unit would hold another reunion in September.

Stan Keolanui retired from the Hawaii Army National Guard several years ago. He currently works as an Operations Analyst for United States Army, Pacific.
His work brings him to Birkhimer EOC during emergency events, serving as an interface with the active army and state emergency management personnel.
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