Retiree Update: Karl Kaneshiro
Posted on Mar 30, 2015 in Retiree Update
Carswell “Caz” Ross sent in the following update on Karl Kaneshiro.
I know that Retiree News likes sharing information concerning our former National Guard members.
Chief Master Sergeant Karl Kaneshiro retired as the Air National Guard Human Resource Advisor in 2010, after serving more than 25 years as a guard member.
Mr. Karl Kaneshiro has been appointed as the Interim Deputy Executive Director of the Employee’s Retirement System (ERS) in 2015. Karl began working for the State as an Unemployment Insurance Specialist with the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and as a secondary school teacher with the Department of Education. In 1984 he started with the ERS and became the Benefits manager in 1988.
Congratulations Chief for continuing to serve employees of the State and County.
Mahalo to Caz for sharing this information with Retiree News
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