Taps: John Damien Kamakaokalani Worthington

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 in Taps

John Damien Kamakaokalani Worthington, 54, of ‘Ewa, an O‘ahu Transit Services planner analyst, passed away at Hospice Hawai‘i Kailua Home on October 5, 2014. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by wife Kwang Chi, sons John D.K. Jr. and James R., parents John D. and Agnes Genny, sisters Edwina Tupinio and Starlyn N. Worthington, and three grandchildren.

Mahalo to Anson Kimura, who identified John Worthington as a Hawai‘i Army National Guard retiree.

Anson added that Worthington served with the 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery and was the Battery A commander from about 1988-1991. He medically retired because of health issues.

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