The photo above was taken at the 1984 Hawai‘i Army National Guard Officer Candidate School graduation.
From left to right: Colonel Irwin Cockett, the Hawai‘i Army National Guard commander, Second Lieutenants John Kakazu, Kent Tsutsumi, Stephen Logan, Major General Alexis Lum, the Adjutant General, and Second Lieutenant Matthew Nagasako. Lieutenant Nagasako received the Adjutant General’s Award as the outstanding graduate.
- * Colonel Irwin Cockett, a Korean and Vietnam War veteran, was promoted to brigadier general and retired in 1986. He went on to serve as the Director of the State Office of Veterans Service from 2001-2004.
- * John Kakazu retired in the 1990s.
- * Kent Tsutumi retired in 2003 and now works as a Program Specialist with the Veterans Administration, National Teleradiology Program.
- * Steve Logan recently returned from his Afghanistan deployment. He will assume command of the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT). This will be his M-Day assignment and he will continue as the State Army Aviation Officer (SAAO) as a technician.
- * Alexis Lum served as the Adjutant General until 1991. He went on to serve as the special assistant on military affairs to Senator Daniel Inouye for 15 years. He passed away on August 20, 2009 at age 82.
- * Matthew Nagasako served several tours at the National Guard Bureau and retired in 2012.
Special thanks to Stephen Lum who shared this photo.
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