History of the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion
Posted on Jan 23, 2025 in HING History, UnitsThe 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion (227th BEB) was organized on February 14, 2014, in the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (29th IBCT), Hawaii Army National Guard (HIARNG). The 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion transformed from the 29th Brigade Special Troops Battalion (29th BSTB) as part of the Army’s transition to modularity while increasing the engineer capabilities across all brigade combat teams.
The 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion consists of five companies:
Co A (EN), 227th BEB activated into federal service on February 14, 2014, reorganized from the former Co A 29th BSTB, and previous to that, the 227th Engineer Company. The 227th Engineer Company served in Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2005-2006. The company traces its lineage back to April 17, 1947, when the 227th Engineer Battalion, Hawaii Army National Guard was drafted into federal service.
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Co B (EN), 227th BEB activated into federal service on February 14, 2014. Co B 227th BEB consists of combat engineer and route clearance platoons.
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Co C (SIG), 227th BEB activated into federal service on February 14, 2014, and was created from Co C, 29th BSTB, and previous to that, the Signal Platoon, HHC, 29th BCT.
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Co D (MI), 227th BEB activated into federal service on February 14, 2014, reorganized from the former Co B 29th BSTB, and previous to that, the 229th Military Intelligence Company. The company traces its lineage back to December 6, 1998, when 229th (MI) Company was drafted into federal service as a separate company of the 29th SIB (Enhanced).
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HHC, 227th BEB was activated into federal service on February 14, 2014, reorganized from the former HHC 29th BSTB, which originally was created from various combat service support and combat support platoons/sections of the former HHC, 29th Separate Infantry Brigade, to include the Military Police Platoon, CBRN (Chemical Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) Reconnaissance Platoon, and Maintenance Platoon.
(RE: Organizational Authority Number 374-001)
From May 05, 2007 to May 27, 2007, the 29th BSTB participated in Operation Jumpstart, in support of the Global War on Terrorism and was assigned to Task Force Tucson and Task Force Diamond Back for the purpose of preventing and deterring undocumented aliens from entering the United States. The 29th BSTB mission was to conduct surveillance of remote and austere areas along the southwest border of the State of Arizona as well as constructing barriers along the border town of Nogales, Arizona and in the remote areas of the Tohono O’odham Native American Reservation.
From November 05, 2008 to August 12, 2009, the battalion deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. With elements of the battalion located throughout Kuwait at Camp Virginia, Kuwait Naval Base, and Camp Buehring, the battalion had a multifaceted mission of functioning as the mayoral cell for Camp Virginia while providing security and sustainment for U.S. and Coalition forces at the camp. Elements from Co A (EN) were detached and conducted convoy escort team missions, ensuring the delivery of supplies and equipment from Kuwait to destinations throughout Iraq.
In October 2012, 16 Soldiers from the Battalion deployed to Afghanistan as part of a Security Force Advisory Team (SFAT). The purpose of the SFAT was to work with their Afghan counterparts to improve their logistics, intelligence, maintenance, administration, rule of law, and training capabilities.
In 2018 and 2019, Soldiers of the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion were called upon to mobilize and deploy in support of the 29th IBCT’s mission in Kosovo, the 1-299th Cavalry’s mission in Egypt, and lastly, the 1-487th Field Artillery’s mission in Afghanistan, which is still on going.
In 2019 through 2021, Soldiers of the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion were called on Active Duty for the State of Hawaii in support of COVID-19 state of emergency.

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches in height overall consisting of a gold Koa weapon, handle to base, surmounting two stylized Hawaiian spears, points up saltire wise, all in a scarlet field embattled of three at top surmounting an enclosing black motto scroll with the ends doubled behind the spear points and inscribed “IKAIKA MAU LOA” in base gold letters.
Gold and red are symbolic of the traditional colors of the garments worn in battle by the ancient Hawaiian warrior chiefs. The shark tooth weapon recalls the Hawaiian infantry warrior engaged in close combat, the twenty-nine teeth refer to the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. The lightning flash tips of the spears represent the signal and intelligence missions of the Battalion and denote speedy response. The embattled chief signifies the engineering and special mission skills of the Special Troops Battalion and represents the Iolani Barracks. Respectively, scarlet and gold represent courage and excellence. The motto translates to “Forever Strong.”
The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the Special Troops Battalion, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team on 17 March 2008. It was redesignated effective 1 September 2014, for the 227th Engineer Battalion with the symbolism revised.
This Distinctive Unit Insignia is among only a handful within the entire US Army that bears uniquely Hawaiian symbology and meanings. Designed by the first battalion commander, (former) (RET) BG Moses Kaoiwi. Each image and nuance displays both the capabilities and lineage of the 29th Brigade Special Troop Battalion, and subsequently, the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion.
Lineage and Honors
- Constituted 1 September 2007 in the Hawaii Army National Guard as the Special Troops Battalion, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team
- Organized 28 March 2008 from new and existing units with Headquarters at Kapolei
- Ordered into active Federal service 19 August 2008 at home stations, released from active Federal service 22 September 2009 and reverted to state control
- Converted and redesignated 1 September 2014 as the 227th Engineer Battalion, an element of the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Campaign Participation Credit
War on Terrorism
- Campaigns to be determined
Company A (Kapolei), additionally entitled to:
War on Terrorism
- Global War on Terrorism
- (Additional campaigns to be determined)
Company D (Kapolei), additionally entitled to:
War on Terrorism
- Campaigns to be determined
- Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered SOUTHWEST ASIA 2008-2009
Information as of 11 September 2019