
“Harmoniously United”

The Pūpūkahi which means “United, or forward to obtain progress” was named by Mrs. Betty C. Hutchison a typist at the 159th Service Battalion. Her entry was selected from a list of 86 entries by a panel of judges including: Mr. John N. Butchart, vice director of Civil Defense; Colonel Walter F. Judd, executive officer of the HANG; Colonel Paul K. Nakamura. chief of staff of the HARNG, CSM Mitsuo Kobayashi of HARNG, CMSGT Clifford Chee of HANG and Mrs. Jeanett Yoshimori.

Prior to the renaming in 1974 the newsletter was called The Hawaii Guardsmen. The Pūpūkahi has been run as a quarterly publication in print since 1974 till 2009. The Pūpūkahi was restarted as the digital version we see today in 2015.

The 2020’s

The 2010’s

Coming Soon

2015 January Pūpūkahi

Volume 45, No. 1

The 2000’s

Printed versions of the pūpūkahi have been the “command information” newsletter for decades, however, it was suspended in 2009 due to budget cuts.

The 1990’s

The 1980’s

The 1970’s

Coming Soon

1976 June Pūpūkahi

Volume XXI, No. 3