New Employee Orientation (NEO)

Welcome to the Hawaii National Guard Full-time Force

Watch NEO from Aug 2021

This page provides essential information, forms, contacts and reference materials to help you start a great career. Here, you will find various resources to help you begin your in-processing.

Here is what you need to know as a Newly Appointed Employee:

As a newly appointed employee, you are required to attend a half day New Employee Orientation (NEO) on the first day you report for duty.

NEO is held the Monday after a new pay period. We will start promptly at 0900 at the HRO Satellite Office in the USPFO Building, Room A104 (the former Hawaii National Guard Credit Union office) in Kalaeloa.

Please read the How to fill out In-Processing Forms for more information and for how to do your in-processing forms correctly.

Please make sure your SF 61 is signed correctly with your full legal name and refrain from falling off the line. Example SF61

T32 Technician and T5 Employee Work Attire:

  • Duty Uniforms will be issued in accordance with appropriate service regulations
  • Required rank insignia, name, service and organizational patches will be worn correctly
  • Title 5 NG Employee Dress Code (T5 Dress Code Policy 17 JUL 18)
To see the NEO Informational Slides Click on the Link Below:
HRO In-Processing Slides without PFC as of 20210629

Note: NEO will be conducted on the following day if a Monday is a holiday or 5/4-9 Off Day.

There are several forms that you will need to complete before you arrive.
All New Hire Packets are due to HRO by 1400 HST on day of orientation.  Please contact your supervisor if you need additional help with completing the forms.

New Hire – Download your New Hire Packet, complete and return your packet to HRO before the suspense date given to you.

If the website is not loading, please keep on refreshing until it loads. 

New Hire Packets:
Finance Forms:
  • New Air Force Employees will need to ask supervisor to scan and create an inquiry in the Comptroller Service Portal – 

Disability & Term Life Insurance (National Guard Association of the United States)

All new employees (whether temporary or permanent) will be required to elect benefits during the New Employee Orientation. If enrolled, disability coverage will be provided to the employee at no cost for the first 12 months of employment, after which the elected premiums will be deducted each pay period.


All technicians and employees will need to bring with them:
  • Blue or black pen to sign documents.
  • DD 214s (if want credit for military service to count towards leave service computation date)
    • 10 USC, Regular Air Force, Regular Army, Marine Corps, etc.
    • lost time must be none
    • character of service must be honorable
  • Service academy transcripts/SF50s that you would like to use for Service Computation Dates (this will affect how much leave you earn)
  • 2 forms of ID from list on I-9 document. The two forms must be an identity card (Driver’s License/DoD CAC) and an Employment Authorization card (SSN card/Birth Certificate). A current passport will count for both.

State ID Forms

Please submit the following to the JOC:

  • Headshot of the new hire, shoulder up with a plain white background (looking professional).
  • Completed ID Badge request form signed by supervisor.
State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) Handouts


Prohibited Personnel Practices Poster

Attch4b-WB Retaliation Poster

HING EEO Policy_2020

Know Your Rights When Reporting

No FEAR Act Notice


Additional Resources:

POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: How to Find your Position Description(PD)

New Employee Links:
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
NG Technician Handbook – 2017
New / Prospective Employees (Guide Me) As a Federal employee, you may be able to enroll in health, dental, vision and life insurance, flexible spending accounts, and apply for long-term care insurance. You can find information about each program by clicking on one of the links below. Each section includes common questions to help guide you to the information you need.
New Employee Benefits Tool Kit Benefits and Entitlements represent some of the most important decisions that you as an Army, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) or National Guard civilian employee will face during your career. The choices you make today will have an everlasting effect on you and your families tomorrow. Army leadership and the Army Benefits Center-Civilian (ABC-C) are committed to helping guide and assist you throughout the benefits decision-making process. This Information Tool Kit is designed specifically with you in mind.


Do I have to attend NEO? You must attend NEO to be fully in-processed. Applicants who fail to attend NEO will not be considered employees of the Hawaii National Guard and will not receive benefit or pay until they are in-processed with HRO.
What do I need to bring to NEO? Bring a hard copy of your essential forms listed in your New Employee Packet on this site as well as the pay forms for your branch before reporting to NEO. You need to bring two forms of ID to verify your eligibility for employment. ID documents can include a passport OR a driver’s license/DOD CAC AND birth certificate/social security card. Failure to provide these documentations within three days could result in your termination.
I’ve been through NEO recently; do I still need to come to the briefing? Even if you were already a Temporary Technician or Prior Federal Service, if you’ve had at least a 1-day break you must re-in process. The reason for this is that the system automatically drops your information the day after your last day of employment. Therefore we must re-build you into the system and will need all your forms again.
How long will the NEO last? Be prepared to be at NEO for the about half a day, after orientation is over you must report to your supervisor.
When will I get paid? If your pay packet was complete, correct and submitted on time to Air or Army finance directly, you should see your first LES within three weeks.
I have caught COVID-19, do I still show up to NEO? No, Please let your supervisor and HRO POC know that you are ill, and we will have your start date pushed back a pay period or until you are healthy and tested negative.
I did not watch the NEO YouTube video; can I still enroll into FEHB after the 60-day enrollment period has passed? Only if you have a qualifying life event (QLE) or during open season you may be eligible to enroll.