The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is a funding opportunity for counties, states and certain private non-profits to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. The required local match is usually 25% (cash or in-kind).

DR-4724 HMGP

DR-4724 Priority List

This posted list reflects the priority projects selected for the DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Ranging from flood mitigation to hardening existing buildings against winds and other hazards, these projects, if approved, will benefit communities throughout Hawaiʻi by reducing risks during emergencies, improving emergency response and preparedness, and increasing community resilience.

DR-4724 Priority List


Governor’s Mitigation Strategy and DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Priorities

Governor’s Mitigation Strategy and DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Priorities


Eligible Project Ideas

· Design, Studies, and Advance Assistance (when you know you want to mitigate against a hazard but don’t know the best option)

· Energy, water, communications redundancy (generators, microgrids, backup systems, wells, microwave/radio systems, etc.)

· Coastal, inland, floodplain protection, and dry floodproofing (coral reef restoration, sand dune restoration, and sea level rise, etc.)

· Soil stabilization, landslides, and erosion control

· Hurricane wind retrofitting, earthquake hardening of existing buildings, especially critical facilities and infrastructure

· Defensible space and hazardous fuels reduction

· Community rain & stormwater harvesting and flood mitigation

· Outreach and education

Click here to download the DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program one pager.


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program 101



For information or assistance,
please contact the Hazard Mitigation Team
Phone: 808-733-4300
Email: hiema.hmgrants@hawaii.gov


*DR-4724 is the FEMA designation for the Maui Wildfire Disaster