The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is a funding opportunity for counties, states and certain private non-profits to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. The required local match is usually 25% (cash or in-kind).

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program 101


DR-4724 HMGP

HI-EMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Project Cycle


Governor’s Mitigation Strategy and DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Priorities

Governor’s Mitigation Strategy and DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Priorities


Eligible Project Ideas

· Design, Studies, and Advance Assistance (when you know you want to mitigate against a hazard but don’t know the best option)

· Energy, water, communications redundancy (generators, microgrids, backup systems, wells, microwave/radio systems, etc.)

· Coastal, inland, floodplain protection, and dry floodproofing (coral reef restoration, sand dune restoration, and sea level rise, etc.)

· Soil stabilization, landslides, and erosion control

· Hurricane wind retrofitting, earthquake hardening of existing buildings, especially critical facilities and infrastructure

· Defensible space and hazardous fuels reduction

· Community rain & stormwater harvesting and flood mitigation

· Outreach and education


Click here to download the DR-4724 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program one pager.


IMPORTANT DATES:        08/01/24 – Notice of Intent (NOI) to apply due to HI-EMA by 4:30PM HST

                                             02/06/25 – HI-EMA’s application to FEMA due


For information or assistance,
please contact the Hazard Mitigation Team
Phone: 808-733-4300
Email: [email protected]


*DR-4724 is the FEMA designation for the Maui Wildfire Disaster