FEMA Key Documents |
EMPG FY2023 Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) |
EMPG FY2023 Program Fact Sheet |
EMPG FY2023 Key Changes |
EMPG FY2023 FAQs |
FEMA 2023 Preparedness Grants Manual |

- Develop Workplan for new EMPG opportunity
- Identify priorities and set SMART goals
- Develop Workplan for new EMPG opportunity
- Formulate EMPG budget
- Ensure all budget items are acceptable and allowable
- Contact HI-EMA Grants Team for assistance with workplan/budget, if necessary
- Formulate EMPG budget

- Follow your Approved Workplan and Budget
- The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will provide additional guidelines
Implementation & Monitoring

- Submit Quarterly Progress Report and Reimbursement Request* within 30 days after the end of each quarter
- Maintain all required documentation for future site visit
*EMPG funds can be used only for disaster preparedness. Expenses for disaster mitigation, response, and other non-preparedness activities are not reimbursable.

- At the end of a grant’s Period of Performance (PoP), submit Close-Out Letter, Close-Out Report, and final Reimbursement Request within 120 days after the end of the PoP
Documents listed below are subject to review at a site monitoring visit. All documents need to be stored appropriately.
- Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
- Reimbursement documentation
- Project related expenses
- Reimbursement documentation
- Cost Share/Match documentation
- Employee time and attendance (payroll certification/labor logs)
- All EMPG MOAs (retain past 6 years)
- Single Audit Assessment
- Training/Exercise records
- Code of Ethics (to avoid conflicts of interest)
- Procurement Procedural Guide
- Asset and inventory management
- Procedures
- Physical inventory lists
- Prevention of loss, damage, or theft
- Asset and inventory management
- Travel (e.g., air, ground, hotel, etc.)
- Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) – for building/construction projects
- Record Retention – retain EMPG documentation for 6 years (State guideline)
Documents listed below need to be submitted on annual/quarterly basis.
Complete/Submit to HI-EMA | Significant Dates | |
Annually | Self-Risk Assessment (SRA) | Complete annual Self-Risk Assessment prior to submitting new EMPG Application. |
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) | EOP must be reviewed and/or revised annually. Submit Record of Change or updated EOP to HIEMA. | |
SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI) submit pdf | Ensure your agency’s SAM.gov registration is up to date. Renew registration annually. | |
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) | Once your Workplan/Budget are approved, HI-EMA will begin MOA process. | |
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) form | Submit your agency’s FFATA Certification form annually with signed MOA. | |
Site visit monitoring (desk review or in-person) | HI-EMA will notify you 2 – 4 weeks prior to a visit with a list of documents to compile. | |
Quarterly | Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) Review Approved Workplan and Budget. Report the status on each quarterly task. If there are delays, provide justifications and projected dates of completion. If delays will cause significant issues, contact your HI-EMA Point of Contact. | QPRs and RRs are due within 30 days after the end of each quarter: Jul – Sep: Due Oct 30 Oct – Dec: Due Jan 30 Jan – Mar: Due Apr 30 Apr – Jun: Due Jul 30 If the date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is the following business day. |
Reimbursement Request (RR)
*TAF: Travel Approval Form **SCT: Statement of Completed Travel |
- Who can apply for EMPG funds through HI-EMA?
- State, local, tribal, and territorial governments
- Who can apply for EMPG funds through HI-EMA?
- What is the typical Period of Performance?
- Subaward Periods of Performance begin in July of the current year and last just over one year.
- What is the typical Period of Performance?
- What kind of reports need to be turned in?
- Quarterly Progress Reports (QPRs) and Reimbursement Requests (RRs) must be turned in within 30 days after the end of each quarter. A final report, final closeout letter, and final reimbursement request are due within 30 days after the end of the Period of Performance.
- What kind of reports need to be turned in?
- How much funding is available?
- Awards are dependent upon the population of Hawai‘i and any other Congressionally delegated supplementary funds.
- How much funding is available?
- What kind of projects are eligible for funding?
- Emergency preparedness activities such as:
- Siren maintenance
- Emergency planning
- Training for emergency situations
- Emergency preparedness activities such as:
- What kind of projects are eligible for funding?
- What costs are eligible?
- Costs that are directly related to project activities and that are necessary and reasonable for project completion are eligible for reimbursement and can be used as a match.
- What costs are eligible?
- Is match required?
- Yes, EMPG funds require a 50% match. These funds are subject to the same requirements as those being reimbursed.
- Is match required?
- How are funds disbursed?
- EMPG funds are disbursed on a quarterly reimbursement basis.
- How are funds disbursed?
- How do funds need to be documented?
- All documentation must be accurate, complete, and relevant to grant activity completion. Supporting documentation should be sufficient to show proof of payment by subrecipient (e.g. payroll records, completed invoices, etc.). If you have any questions on specific document requirements, reach out to your HI-EMA grants contact or the email below.
- How do funds need to be documented?
- What if I have more questions?
- Contact the HI-EMA Grants Team at [email protected] for more information.
- What if I have more questions?