1989-1991 Operation Wipeout

Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in 1980's, 1990's, HING History

The Hawaii Army National Guard also participated in a Drug Enforcement Administration-led marijuana eradication project, “Operation Wipeout.” In FY 1990, as many as 20 Hawaii Army National Guard personnel were placed on active duty to provide assistance and support to the U.S. Customs Service. They assisted customs inspectors in the inspection and search of foreign arrival cargo containers, aircraft, postal mail and packages.

1990 Annual Report pp. 9

Since the receipt of federal resources to support drug enforcement operations in 1989, the HIARNG has provided helicopter and refueling support to the State Department of Land and Natural Resources and county police departments for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s marijuana eradication program, Operation Wipeout.

In Fiscal Year 1991, as many as 20 Army Guard and five Air Guard personnel were placed on active duty to assist the U.S. Customs Service. Working with customs inspectors, the soldiers and airmen searched foreign arrival cargo containers, aircraft, packages and mail for illegal drugs and contraband. The Hawaii Air National Guard continues to provide C-130 support to law enforcement agencies by transporting personnel and equipment.

1991 Annual Report pp. 10