Honor Roll: 29th Infantry Brigade, Operation Iraqi Freedom
On August 16, 2004, the then-29th Infantry Brigade (Separate) was called to active duty to support the Global War on Terrorism, The Brigade mobilized at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, the formed at Fort Bliss, Texas. On October 2, 2004, the Brigade deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and assumed the security forces mission in theater. Units of the Brigade Combat Team service in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq.
Corporal Glenn J. Watkins
Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Corporal Glenn J. Watkins was raised in the California sunshine of the San Diego area. He had spent his younger years in the Navy and in the Army with the 82nd Airborne Division before joining Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry in 1998 as a Light Infantry Soldier. As a member of Company A, Corporal Watkins deployed to Kuwait just after 9/11 and then for Operation Noble Eagle along the US / Mexico Border. He later transferred to Company B, 1st Battalion, 161st Infantry, 81st Armor Brigade (Separate) on November 2003. While assigned to the 81st SAB, Corporal Watkins deployed to Iraq and served under the 1st Battalion, 7th Calvary, for Operation Iraqi Freedom II. After completing this tour, he requested a transfer back to his former unit – Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry and volunteer to stay on for the Operation Iraqi Freedom III.
Corporal Watkins died 8 weeks later when his platoon encountered an enemy vehicle borne improvised explosive device during a morning patrol.
He is survived by his wife and four children who he loved dearly and spoke about often.
Sergeant Jorge Estrada
Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Sergeant Jorge Estrada was born February 21, 1981, and raised in Southern California, graduating from high school in 1999. Shortly afterwards he enlisted in the Army and as an Electronic Communications Sergeant, serving with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum and later served with them in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom I. After Sergeant Estrada completed his tour, he returned home to California and civilian life. In late 2003 he decided to continue his military service by joining the California Army National Guard and was assigned to the 540th Forward Support Battalion in Bell, California. Sergeant Estrada was assigned as a member of HHC, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry located in Modesto, California, to deploy in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III. He worked for the battalion’s communications section and was well respected and loved member of the unit.
Sergeant Estrada is survived by his wife Vicky and daughter Liliana.
Sergeant Arnold Duplantier II
Company C, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Sergeant Arnold Duplantier II was born in Sacramento, California on June 3, 1979. He joined the Army shortly after graduating from high school, enlisting as an infantryman with Company C, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry in April 1999. Sergeant Duplantier deployed to Kuwait in January of 2002 in support of Operation Desert Spring and Enduring Freedom. Upon his return, he volunteered for assignment to the security mission at the Army National Guard Headquarters in Sacramento, California. In August 2004, Sgt. Duplantier was mobilized with the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry for Operation Iraqi Freedom III. During this deployment he served as an Infantry Team Leader, and his natural leaderships skills gained him the trust and confidence of his men.
He was killed in action on June 22, 2005, by enemy sniper fire while performing a security mission in Baghdad.
Sergeant Duplantier was posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant and is survived by his wife Tanya and daughter Isabel.

Sergeant Deyson K. Cariaga
29th Military Intelligence Company, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Sergeant Deyson K. Cariaga was born on July 28, 1984, in Honolulu, Hawaii. While still in high school, he enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in January 2002 as a Ground Surveillance System Operator in the 229th Military Intelligence Company. In his civilian life, he enjoyed surfing, playing video games, playing airsoft, and especially eating. Sergeant Cariaga worked part time at both a retirement home and an upscale hotel.
He was killed in action on July 8, 2005. His team was returning from an intelligence collection machine near Baghdad, Iraq when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. He was killed instantly.
Sgt. Cariaga was posthumously promoted to rank of Sergeant and is survived by his mother, Teresa and brother Lance.
Staff Sergeant Frank F. Tiai
Company C, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve
Staff Sergeant Frank F. Tiai was born and raised in Pago Pago, America Samoa and worked as a Police Officer. He served in the Army before joining Company C, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry in America Samoa. Staff Sergeant Tiai was the oldest soldier in his platoon and became a father figure to the soldiers in his squad. His even temper and maturity earned him the respect of his men.
Staff Sergeant Tiai was killed in action when an improvised explosive device exploded under his vehicle while on patrol outside Logistics Support Area Anaconda, Iraq.
He is survived by his wife Talosaga, son Faga, and daughter Foaga.
Staff Sergeant Alfredo B. Silva
Headquarters & Headquarters Service Battery, 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment
Staff Sergeant Alfredo B. Silva joined the Army in July 1995, where he served for three years as a Forward Observer for a Combat Observation Laser Team in Fort Hood, Texas. Shortly after he completed his initial tour in October 1998, he enlisted in the California Army National Guard as an engineer. In 2001 Staff Sergeant Silva joined the California Counter Drug Task Force’s as Team Engineer, where he worked full time. He resided in Chula Vista California. Staff Sergeant Silva was a private person, but loved to talk about his wife and daughter, who he cherished dearly.
He was killed by an improvised explosive device attack while on patrol in Baghdad on September 15, 2005.
Staff Sergeant Silva was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and is survived by his wife Celia and daughter Mariel.
Sergeant Michael T. Sonoda
Company D, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Sergeant Michael T. Sonoda was born in Oceanside, California. He joined the Army in 1995 where he served for two years as a parachute rigger in the 325th Airborne, Vicenza, Italy. Sergeant Sonoda had over 50 static line jumps and earned his Italian jump wings. In 1998 he joined the California Army National Guard and served with elements of the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry. In 2001 Sergeant Sonoda went to Kuwait for a six month rotation for Operation Enduring Freedom. He resided in Fallbrook, California and worked for the United Postal Service as a Hazardous Material Package Inspector.
Sergeant Sonoda died as a result of an improvised explosive device that struck his armored personnel carrier in Baghdad, Iraq on September 21, 2005. He later died of his wounds.
Sergeant Sonoda was posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant and is survived by his parents Takeshi and Emiko, and sister Irene.
Staff Sergeant Paul C. Neibauer
Company D, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Staff Sergeant Paul C. Neibauer was born on March 8, 1965, in Denver, Colorado. He enlisted in the Navy in April of 1980 and served in the Navy Reserve. He entered in the California Army National Guard in 1997 and served with various units until he was attached to Company D, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry for Operation Iraqi Freedom III in August of 2004. As a full-time Guardsman, Staff Sergeant Neibauer worked with the Team Shield Counter Drug Program in San Diego, California.
He was killed in action by improvised explosive device while serving as a gunner in an armored personal vehicle on patrol in Baghdad.
Staff Sergeant Neibauer was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and is survived by his wife Judith.
SFC Daniel R. Scheile
Company D, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Staff Sergeant Jerry Bonifacio, Jr.
Company B, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Staff Sergeant Jerry Bonifacio Jr. was born on May 13, 1977, in Vacaville, California. He enlisted in the Army in February 1997 and was assigned to Company C, 502nd Infantry Battalion at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Staff Sergeant Bonifacio was honorably discharged in 2001 and joined Company B “Bushmasters”, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry, California Army National Guard. He deployed with the Bushmasters in support of Operation Desert Spring, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom III. Staff Sergeant Bonifacio was employed by Aluma Scaffolding Construction Company of Vacaville, California as a civilian.
On October 10, 2005, while manning a vehicle checkpoint in Baghdad, Staff Sergeant Bonifacio was killed by a vehicle born improvised explosive device.
He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and is survived by his parents Jerry and Anna, sister Esther, and brother John.
Sergeant Evan S. Parker
Headquarters & Headquarters Service Battery, 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment
Sergeant Even S. Parker was born on May 1, 1980, in Kansas. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the Army in May 1999 as a Forward Observer and served on active duty until December 2002 after which he joined the IRR. Sergeant Parker was activated and assigned to the 1st Battalion 487th FA for Operation Iraqi Freedom and attached to Company C, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry. He was recognized by all levels of senior leadership for excellence and dedication to duty.
Sergeant Parker was fatally wounded when an explosive device was tossed at his patrol during a stop outside the Balad Air Base, Iraq on October 23, 2005. He was released from life support and died of his wounds on October 26, 2005.
Sergeant Parker leaves behind two sons Blake and Connor. He is survived by his father Daniel, mother Anita and brother Lance.
Colonel William W. Wood
Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Colonel William W. Wood was commissioned as an Infantry 2nd Lieutenant after graduating from Florida State University in 1984. His assignments included positions with the 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry; the 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry; the 3rd Battalion, 12th Infantry; the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry in both Vilseck and Kosovo; and the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Division. Colonel Wood commanded the 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and was the Deputy Commander for the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division. He has served as a Senior Infantry Trainer with the Georgia National Guard, the Deputy Division Operations Officer for the 1st Infantry Division, and Deputy Chief of Staff for the 3rd Infantry Division. Colonel Wood assumed command of the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry, the “Nightstalkers,” in July 2005.
On the October 27, 2005, Colonel Wood responded to an improvised explosive device attack on one of his patrols in Baghdad. While taking charge of the incident a second improvised explosive device detonated, killing him.
Colonel Wood was posthumously promoted and is survived by his wife Nanci and daughter Rachel.
Captain Michael J. MacKinnon
Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Captain Michael J. MacKinnon was born and raised in Helena, Montana. He received his commission from the U.S. Military Academy with a bachelor’s degree in systems engineering in 1997. Upon graduation from the Infantry Officers Basic Course he was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Captain MacKinnon was later assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division where he served in different positions. As commander for the Company B, 4th Battalion, 64th Armor, he conducted full spectrum counter insurgency operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In August 2005 Captain MacKinnon assumed command of Company A, 1st Battalion 184th Infantry.
On October 27, 2005, He was critically injured by an improvised explosive device while on patrol in Baghdad and later died from his wounds.
Captain MacKinnon is survived by his wife Bethany and children Madison and Noah.
Captain Raymond D. Hill
Headquarters & Headquarters Service Battery, 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment
Captain Raymond D. Hill was born and raised in the San Joaquin Central Valley, California. He was employed at the Modesto Irrigation District as an Engineering Technician in Turlock, California. Captain Hill enlisted in the National Guard in 1987 and received his commission on 22 August 1997. He served in various positions in the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry and was deployed to Kuwait in 2002 as a Platoon Leader. Upon completion of the Field Artillery Advance Course, Captain Hill served as the Fire Support Officer for the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry and Commander of Detachment 1 HHSB, 1st Battalion, 487th FA. During his Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment he served as the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry FSO, S7 and PAO.
Captain Hill was killed on October 29, 2005, by an IED attack while on patrol to deliver care packages to Iraqi children.
He survived by his wife Donna, two daughters Alyssa and Bree Anna, and his father.
Sergeant Shakere T. Guy
Company D, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Sergeant Shakere T. Guy was born on July 18, 1982, in Kingston, Jamaica. He entered the California National Guard in June 2000 as tanker with Troop A, 1st Battalion, 18th Calvary which was which was stationed in Pomona California. Sergeant Guy joined D Company, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry in November 2004 to participate in Operation Iraq Freedom. He was attached to the PSYOPS Detachment as an M1-114 gunner in June. Although Sergeant Guy assignment was not armor, he took every opportunity to tell soldiers how proud he was to be a tanker. He had a fondness for computers and enjoyed Southern California’s night life. Sergeant Guy resided in Pomona where he was both employed by a Home Depot and a full time student
Sergeant Guy was killed on October 29, 2005, by an improvised explosive device attack while on patrol to deliver care packages to Iraqi children.
He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant and is survived by his mother Donna and sister Tracy Ann.
Staff Sergeant Wilgene T. Lieto
Company E, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve
Staff Sergeant Wilgene T. Lieto was born on March 22, 1977, in Saipan. He graduated from high school in 1997 and then attended the Northern Mariana College and later served as a Police Officer in Saipan. Staff Sergeant Lieto first enlisted in the Army in August 1999 as an Infantryman. He served with Company E, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry and held the positions of a Rifleman Grenadier, and Team Leader. Staff Sergeant Lieto graduated from the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Officer Defense Course as Honor Graduate in 2004.
Staff Sergeant Lieto was killed by an improvised explosive device attack while on patrol on October 31, 2005, outside the Balad Air Base, Iraq.
He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and is survived by his wife Tiara, son Wilgene II, daughter Calia, father William, mother Julie, and grandparents.
Corporal Derence W. Jack
Company E, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve
Corporal Derence W. Jack was born on November 17, 1973, in Saipan. He graduated from high school in 1992. Corporal Jack worked as Cash Department Manager for the Bank of Guam. He first enlisted in the U.S. Army in March 2000 as an Infantryman. Corporal Jack served with Company E, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry. He held positions of Rifleman, Grenadier, and Team Leader.
Corporal Jack was killed by an improvised explosive device attack while on patrol outside Balad Air Base, Iraq.
He is survived by his wife Melissa, daughter Jazmyn, father Simsack, mother Carmina, and grandparents.
Sergeant Marcelino R. Corniel
Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, California Army National Guard
Sergeant Marcelino R. Corniel first enlisted the U.S. Marine Corps in July 2000 and served four years where he received numerous letters of commendation, certificates of appreciation, and awards. After completion of his active service, he joined the California Army National Guard in June 2005 and volunteered to deploy to Iraq to further serve his country. Sergeant Corniel became a member of Company A, 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry and impressed others with his professionalism and experience. He was quickly adopted as a member of the team known to his friends as “Ronnie” and he had a big impact on his fellow soldiers. Sergeant Corniel is remembered as a selfless and giving person and as a someone who could always make others laugh with his stories and experiences.
Sergeant Corniel was killed in action from a mortar attack on his checkpoint in Baghdad. His unit was two weeks away from redeployment.
Sergeant Corniel was posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant and is survived by his mother Janice, fiancé Claudia, sisters Kristen and Kimberly, and grandmother Geraldine
In August 2008, the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team was called again to support Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Brigade mobilized at Fort Hood, Texas, and deployed to Iraq and Kuwait.

Staff Sergeant Julian Manglona
Company E, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve
Staff Sergeant Julian Magnolia was born on October 26, 1968, on the island of Tinian, of the Northern Marianas Islands. He graduated from high school and from the Northern Marianas College with a degree in Criminal Justice. Staff Sergeant Magnolia entered military service in 1988 and completed his training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and served as a Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. He reenlisted in the Army Reserve in 2000 to be Infantrymen in the 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment Company E, Detachment 1 completing his training in March 2001 serving with distinction and value. Staff Sergeant Magnolia served as Team Leader during the Battalion’s first deployment to support Operation Iraqi Freedom III.
The 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry and the 29th IBCT suffered Staff Sergeant Magnolia’s loss during the units’ train up for a second Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment.
His comrades viewed him as a leader who exemplified what noncommissioned officers should be. When not performing his military duties, he served as a detective for the Department of Public Safety and Saipan. He was posthumously promoted to Staff Sergeant.
Staff Sergeant Magnolia is survived by his parents Vincente and Rita as well as his wife Brenda and his children.

Corporal Casey L. Hills
Company C, 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, United States Army Reserve
Corporal Casey L. Hills was born on December 21, 1985. He enlisted the Army National Guard in 2004 and was mobilized after transferring to the Individual Ready Reserves in 2008.
Corporal Hills was killed by a high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle rollover while on a convoy escort mission, within Iraq.
He is survived by his parents.

Specialist Cwislyn K. Walter
Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Specialist Cwislyn K. Walter was born in Chuuck, Micronesia. She lived in Panama, Micronesia and moved to Hawaii in 2005, where she graduated high school in 2007. Specialist Walter joined the Hawaii Army National Guard in April 2007 and was assigned to HHC 29th Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB). She completed her basic training in October 2007. She attended AIT at Fort Gordon and later Fort Jackson where she graduated as a Human Resource Specialist in June 2008. Upon completion of her training, Specialist Walter volunteered to deploy with the 29th BSTB to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. She was mobilized in August 2008 and conducted post mobilization training in the 29th BSTB at Fort Hood, Texas. Upon arrival in the Theater Specialist Walter was assigned to the Emergency Operations Center for the Camp Virginia Command.
She is survived by her mother Conception and father Kiwis.