Staff Sgt Tu’umalo on Hispanic Heritage Month

Posted on Oct 7, 2024 in Main

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated September 15th through October 15th and commemorates the many achievements and cultures of Hispanic Americans. It is the only Department of Defense special observance to span multiple months, coinciding with Independence Day celebrations for several Latin American countries. During this time of year, the Department of Defense (DoD) honors the Hispanic Americans who have sacrificed for, contributed to, and served our great nation.

The Hawaii National Guard has many wonderful individuals of Hispanic heritage and this October we want to highlight our very own Staff Sgt Haleigh Aguilar Tu’umalo. She is with the 93rd Weapons of Mass Destruction – Civil Support Team and serves primarily as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear Specialist and secondarily as an Automated Logistics Specialist. Staff Sgt Tu’umalo shares her experience in the below talk story session on National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Why did you decide to join?

“My decision to serve in the military stems from growing up and watching my father serve in the Army. My dad was originally born in Mexico and moved to the United States as a teenager. He became a naturalized citizen shortly after moving here and was the first in our family to join the military, driven by a desire to serve his new country.”

“I was always proud of my father and his service, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. My decision to join was influenced not only by my father’s service but also by my own desire to serve. As a first generation born American on my father’s side, and the first woman in my family to join the military, I feel immense pride. Additionally, I wanted to further my education, and joining the National Guard provided a way to support my education while serving my country and state.”

What has been your favorite moment or part of serving?

“My favorite part of serving has been helping the community and forming meaningful friendships with my brothers and sisters in arms. My current position allows me to work closely with many individuals in our community, and it brings me great pride to assist them through trainings, missions, or community outreach.”

“Over my 12 years of service, I have made many connections with people I now consider family. They make the day-to-day easier when things get stressful and help keep me grounded both in and outside of the service. One of my favorite moments in the military was when I graduated from Airborne School and my father was able to pin on my jump wings making me a second-generation Parachutist!”

What is something about your heritage that you are proud of?

“I am proud of the rich culture that surrounds my Hispanic heritage, from the history dating back to the Aztecs to my current generation. There is so much to learn and love about my heritage, especially when it comes to family.”

“As a new mother, I feel immense pride in teaching my son about his culture and family. It is through my family that I became the woman I am today, and I hope to provide a bright future for my son with the cultural values and lessons I have learned.”

What is a fun fact about yourself that you want to share?

“I am the first Hispanic Employment Program Manager for the Hawaii National Guard. The HEP is a federal program that aims to ensure equal opportunities for Hispanic Americans in the workplace. While I am still learning and developing in this role, I love working with the HING community and am excited about the future of the program!”

The Hawaii National Guard has over 280 individuals with Hispanic heritage as of March of this year. That means of our Hawaii National Guard ohana five out of every 100 males have Hispanic heritage and two out of every 100 females have Hispanic heritage. These statics are made up of Guardsmen like Staff Sgt Tu’umalo who are out in the community making a difference. So, this October take a moment to reflect on all the wonderful guardsmen who make up the Hawaii National Guard and the diversity that makes up our community.