2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami Response
Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in 2000's, HING History

Of significance was the devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami in American Samoa on Sept. 30 2009. Hours before a Disaster Declaration was announced by the White House, the Hawaii Guard and the Joint-Staff quickly assembled to plan for the response and recovery effort that would soon follow. Immediately planning efforts set in motion the deployment of a Joint Task Force from the Hawaii Guard made up of 65 personnel from our CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive) Emergency Response Force Package (CERF-P), 93rd Civil Support Team, as well as a mix of communications, and public affairs elements. Referred to as “Task Force HING” – this full complement of Army and Air Guardsmen achieved one of the most responsive relief efforts in the Nations recent history.
Our close partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency coupled with our fantastic rapport with U.S. Pacific Command served to accelerate our response posture and bring about immediate humanitarian relief to our stricken Pacific partner in American Samoa in an effort to alleviate human suffering and mitigate hazards.
– 2009 Annual Report pp. 5
In response to the Sept. 29, 2009 earthquake and tsunami that impacted American Samoa (below), the 93rd CST partnered with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducting hazmat mitigation and collection in affected villages around the island. Identified hazardous materials and waste were transported to a collection site where the materials were characterized, separated, and secured in preparation for disposal by the EPA. The 93rd CST also conducted Search and Recovery, assisted FEMA communication teams, and provided support to the Red Cross emergency supply distribution efforts
– 2009 Annual Report pp. 6
In October 2009, Troop Command established the Command and Control Headquarters for Operation PACIFIC WAVE, a joint operation with the Hawaii Air National Guard providing humanitarian assistance to the citizens of American Samoa devastated by the earthquake and tsunami.
– 2010 Annual Report pp. 11
During FY 2010, the men and women of the HIANG performed timely and highly skilled missions on behalf of the U.S. Air Force and provided relief to people in need here at home and around the world. The Hawaii National Guard was praised by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates for its role in spearheading the initial relief effort following the Sept. 29, 2009 devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the territory of American Samoa. With only 11 hours notice, the Hawaii Guard was able to assemble a joint task force consisting of members from the 154th Wing’s Medical Group, the Hawaii National Guard CERF-P, the 93rd Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team and the 292nd and 293rd Combat Communications The Hawaii Guardsmen were flown to American Samoa aboard Team Hickam C-17 Globemasters.
Once on the ground, the joint task force in support of Operation PACIFIC WAVE provided more than 500 hours of search and recovery operations, medical care to more than 200 residents, an islandwide hazards assessment for follow-on relief efforts, video teleconferencing capabilities for on-scene relief agencies and partnered with the Coast Guard to collect and dispose of 6,200 cubic yards of hazardous materials.
– 2010 Annual Report pp. 17-18