2002-2015 Joint Special Operations Task Force- Philippines
Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in 2000's, 2010's, HING HistoryThis year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units and personnel were mobilized in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Iraq and Kuwait. The 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team began preparation for its second mobilization and deployment, in support of the GWOT, in four years while select Brigade Soldiers deployed for missions in Afghanistan and the Philippines.
– 2008 Annual Report pp. 10-12
This past year, most Hawaii Army National Guard personnel joined the ranks of Soldiers with multiple deployments. Some Soldiers served on their third and fourth rotation in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines and for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Kuwait and Iraq. . .
Thirty more Soldiers provided security support for a second Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines mission. Their non-combat mission is to advise and assist the armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines defeat select terrorist organizations in the Philippines. The task force was made up primarily of 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Soldiers, with a few from other Brigade and Troop Command units.
– 2009 Annual Report pp. 10-11
Flying the C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft, 204th Airlift Squadron flight crews transported personnel and equipment to places including, but not limited to: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, the Philippines, Germany, Japan and Korea. The 203rd Air Refueling Squadron’s KC-135 Stratotankers flew to missions in support of U.S. Force objectives to points on the map including, but not limited to: Thailand, Japan, Germany and Korea. More than one hundred 201st Combat Communication Group Airmen deployed to Iraq and several other locations within U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility supporting Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM. These deployments were typically six months in length.
– 2009 Annual Report pp. 17
This past year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units were mobilized for a second time in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines. . .
From September 2009 to March 2010, 30 more Soldiers provided security support for the continuing Joint Special Operations Task Force- Philippines mission. Their noncombat mission is to advise and assist the armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines defeat select terrorist organizations in the Philippines. The task force was made up primarily of 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Soldiers, with a few from other Brigade and Troop Command units.
– 2010 Annual Report pp. 11-12
This past year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units were mobilized for a second time in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM inAfghanistan and the Philippines. . .
From September 2009 to March 2010, 30 more Soldiers provided security support for the continuing Joint Special Operations Task Force- Philippines mission. Their noncombat mission is to advise and assist the armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines defeat select terrorist organizations in the Philippines. The task force was made up primarily of 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Soldiers, with a few from other Brigade and Troop Command units.
– 2011 Annual Report pp. 11-12
Last year, Hawaii Army National Guard units were again deployed in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines; as well as numerous exercises in Hawaii and around the world. . .
Two more platoon-size HIARNG teams provided security support for the continuing Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines mission. Their non-combat mission is to advise and assist the armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines defeat select terrorist organizations in the Philippines.
– 2012 Annual Report pp. 10

1st Battalion, 299th Calvary Squadron . . . Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines (JSOTF-P) FWD 37 deployment to the Philippines – April through December 2013
– 2013 Annual Report pp. 9
29th IBCT’s subordinate units: 1st Battalion, 299th Calvary Squadron . . . Joint Special Operations Task
– 2014 Annual Report pp. 19
Force-Philippines (JSOTF-P) FWD 37 deployment to the Philippines – April to December 2013