2001-2021 Federal Service During the Afghanistan War

Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in 2000's, 2010's, 2020's, HING History

In December 2001, an additional 150 members of the 154th Wing were mobilized to provide air-refueling services for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Tankers from the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron refueled U.S. bombers and transports on their way to missions in Afghanistan and elsewhere within Central Command’s area of responsibility (CENTCOM AOR).

In March 2002, 23 members of the Hawaii Air Guard’s 291st Combat Communications Squadron, based in Hilo, were mobilized for Operation Enduring Freedom. Members of the unit were deployed to two locations under the command of U.S. Central Command for six months or longer tours of duty.

In May 2002, 39 members of the 154th Security Forces Squadron, HIANG, were placed on active duty in support of OEF. Those personnel were forward deployed to several locations within CENTCOM AOR.

In total, more than 900 members of the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard personnel were placed on active duty for Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and NOBLE EAGLE. Approximately 600 were from the Air Guard.

2001 Annual Report pp. 13-14

On Oct. 17, 2002, the HIARNG’s 25th Infantry Division (Light) Detachment-Rear Operations Center (D-ROC) came off a one-year activation as part of Operation NOBLE EAGLE. The D-ROC supported the 25th ID (L) at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.

In June 2003, personnel of Company B, 193rd Aviation, was mobilized for up to 18 months to provide aviation maintenance support to elements of the 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan.

2003 Annual Report pp. 9-10

Members of the 291st Combat Communications Squadron, 292nd Combat Communications Squadron and 293rd Combat Communications Squadron deployed to several locations in Southwest Asia for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. The HIANG airmen helped lay communications cable, establish short-range radio and set up secure satellite and internet connections. Locations where these airmen deployed remain undisclosed to the public.

2003 Annual Report pp. 14-15

Sixty soldiers from Company B, 193rd Aviation deployed to Afghanistan in April 2004 to replace an earlier rotation of soldiers who deployed in 2003. Tue Bravo Company soldiers have been providing helicopter maintenance to the 10th Mountain and 25th Infantry Divisions in Afghanistan. An “Operation Ohana” welcome home ceremony was held for retuning soldiers at Wheeler Army Airfield in May, just one of the ways in which the State of Hawaii recognized the contributions of its citizen-soldiers.

2004 Annual Report pp. 5-6

Hawaii Air National Guard personnel participated in numerous deployments all over the globe in support of the War on Terrorism.

In the fall of 2003 one member of the 154th Aircraft Control Squadron deployed to Afghanistan to serve as the alternate battle commander for air control operations at Kandahar air Base.

ln May 2004 the 154th Services Flight deployed a nine-person team for 90 days to Al Udeid AB, Qatair to provide support for Operation Enduring Freedom. The airmen spent their time in Qatar providing food. lodging, fitness and recreation services to the men and women at Al Udeid. When not deployed, the services flight provided these same services to Hickam AFB while filling in for deployed active duty members.

Two members of the 154th Mission Support Flight joined the Services Flight members for 30 days at Al Udeid, in June 2004, to provide the base additional personnel assistance.

2004 Annual Report pp. 13-14

In April, Hawaii said goodbye to two more units — the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment and the 298th Engineer Detachment deployed for one year tours in Afghanistan. At its peak in 2005, five out of every six soldiers in the Hawaii Army National Guard were on active duty.

2005 Annual Report pp. 5-6

Public affairs, engineers redeploy In April 2006, units from the 103rd Troop Command returned from a yearlong Afghanistan deployment in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. The 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment and the 298th Engineer Detachment, along with the Guam Army National Guard’s 1224th Engineer Detachment, were mobilized as part of Task Force Pacific.

The 18-member 117th unit provided public affairs support based out of five locations. More than 100 articles were written (published and posted on the web), 27,000 digital images shot, and 2,000 hours of video production (shooting, editing or satellite transmission). Additional missions included numerous planning, presenting and/or coverage of numerous ceremonies and memorial services, briefings, and media accreditation/ escorting.

The 53-member engineer unit completed more than 90 vertical and horizontal engineering projects supporting Regional Command-South, based in Kandahar. In addition to building base infrastructure at eight locations in and outside the wire, they were instrumental in the construction of the 117-kilometer (72-plus miles) Tarin Kowt Road. The 298th road crew operated equipment and trained personnel. They helped complete the construction of more than 43 miles of the road (including cutting through a mountainous pass) in four months.

2006 Annual Report pp. 5-7

The year began and ended with a high operational tempo. More of the Hawaii Army National Guard personnel and units were mobilized in support of the global war on terrorism for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Iraq and Kuwait.

After returning from deployment in support of OIF III and OEF VI, the Hawaii Army Guard was challenged with the reorganization/transformation of the Brigade to a unit of action or modular combat force and the reorganization of most of the Troop Command units. Despite the transformation, the Hawaii Soldiers continued to participate in deployments, exercises and community-service projects.

More than 65 infantry Soldiers, mostly from Troop C, 1st Sqdrn., 299th Cav., augmented Arizona’s 1st Bn., 158th Infantry, OEF Afghanistan mission beginning in April.

Also, in September, more than 15 Soldiers were mobilized for OEF to form an Embedded Training Team to train and mentor the Afghan National Army and Police. The team is scheduled to return in Fall 2008.

2007 Annual Report pp. 11-13

The 201st Group sent over 70 personnel in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM and Operation ENDURING FREEDOM to forward operating bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar and Kuwait. Members from every unit within the 201st sent volunteers for the four-month Air Expeditionary Force rotations in Southwest Asia. This was the first time a Combat Communications Group sent this many volunteers to support any one Air Expeditionary Force. Normally, an Air National Guard Group will send 30- 35 volunteers staying for approximately 60-day rotations.

2007 Annual Report pp. 17

This year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units and personnel were mobilized in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Iraq and Kuwait. The 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team began preparation for its second mobilization and deployment, in support of the GWOT, in four years while select Brigade Soldiers deployed for missions in Afghanistan and the Philippines.

More than 65 infantry Soldiers, mostly from Troop C, 1st Squadron., 299th Cavalry, volunteers augmented Arizona’s 1st Bn., 158th Infantry, OEF Afghanistan mission from March 2007 to March 2008. The Soldiers tasks were training Afghan National Security Forces, providing security for Provincial Reconstruction Teams and providing Soldiers for Bagram Air Base’s quick reaction force. In addition to training and security missions, they also provided humanitarian and medical aid.

The Hawaii Soldiers combined to participate in more than 1,000 mounted and dismounted fighting missions. Sixty of the Soldiers received either the Combat Infantry Badge or Combat Action Badge for being under fire and engaging the enemy in combat. One Soldier received a Purple Heart for injuries sustained when his vehicle was hit by a rocket propelled grenade.

Nine Hawaii Soldiers assigned to Bagram’s QRF participated in the rescue of three U.S. Senators (John Kerry, Joseph Biden, and Chuck Hagel) from a downed helicopter in the Afghanistan mountains. The aircraft was forced to land due to blizzard-like conditions, and Hawaii and Arizona Soldiers were dispatched to escort the Senators back to base, while a team stayed overnight to secure the helicopter.

More than 15 Soldiers were mobilized for OEF to form an Embedded Training Team to train and mentor the Afghan National Army and Police. Most of the team is returning in Fall 2008. . .

2008 Annual Report pp. 10-12

297th Air Traffic Control Squadron personnel continued to support AEF requirements with personnel deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly 300 ATCS airmen have supported operations in Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times since Sept. 11, 2001.

2008 Annual Report pp. 18

This past year, most Hawaii Army National Guard personnel joined the ranks of Soldiers with multiple deployments. Some Soldiers served on their third and fourth rotation in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines and for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM in Kuwait and Iraq. . .

2009 Annual Report pp. 10-11

On virtually any given day, HIANG Airmen and units were deployed throughout the world in support of operational contingencies. 154th Security Forces Squadron teams deployed to Iraq, marking the seventh deployment for the Security Forces since 9-11. One of the unit’s duties while deployed to Baghdad, was to assist in the protection of Air Force One during Pres. Obama’s trip in April 2009.

Flying the C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft, 204th Airlift Squadron flight crews transported personnel and equipment to places including, but not limited to: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, the Philippines, Germany, Japan and Korea. The 203rd Air Refueling Squadron’s KC-135 Stratotankers flew to missions in support of U.S. Force objectives to points on the map including, but not limited to: Thailand, Japan, Germany and Korea. More than one hundred 201st Combat Communication Group Airmen deployed to Iraq and several other locations within U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility supporting Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM. These deployments were typically six months in length.

2009 Annual Report pp. 17

This past year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units were mobilized for a second time in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines.


The 230th Engineer Company continued their year long deployment to Afghanistan providing vertical engineering support throughout the theater of operations and is postured to return in Winter 2010. The unit completed over 25 major projects and numerous other small projects and repairs. The Hawaii engineers were augmented by Soldiers from the Montana and Delaware Guard and the U..S. Army Reserve’s 411th Engineer Battalion.

One hundred-twenty aviators from the Co. B, 1st Bn., 171th Aviation (CH-47 Chinooks) deployed to Afghanistan in Fall 2010 and are expected to return in mid-2011.

2010 Annual Report pp. 11-12

During FY 2010, the men and women of the HIANG performed timely and highly skilled missions on behalf of the U.S. Air Force and provided relief to people in need here at home and around the world. . .

The 169th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, for the first time implemented the Presidential air defense protection plan in support of a presidential visit to Hawaii, while the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron provided aerial refueling services to support aircraft Shortly after the presidential visit members of the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron and 154th Maintenance Squadron deployed to a publicly undisclosed air base in Central Command’s Area of Responsibility in support of contingency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The HIANG’s tankers have also deployed multiple times to other points on the map in 2010, including in support of aero-medical evacuation missions from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan.

The 204th Airlift Squadron was also on the road this year, deploying personnel to Iraq and transporting more than 1200 passengers and 1700 tons of cargo in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Many other HIANG airmen also participated in AEF deployments. The 154th Security Forces Squadron sent several teams to Iraq and Afghanistan, the 154th Communications Flight and 154th Logistics Readiness Squadron deployed personnel to CENTCOM and the 201st Combat Communications Group deployed more than one-hundred airmen on six month rotations to various CENTCOM locations including Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.

2010 Annual Report pp. 17-18

This past year, more Hawaii Army National Guard units were mobilized for a second time in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM inAfghanistan and the Philippines.


The 230th Engineer Company continued their year long deployment to Afghanistan providing vertical engineering support throughout the theater of operations and is postured to return in Winter 2010. The unit completed over 25 major projects and numerous other small projects and repairs. The Hawaii engineers were augmented by Soldiers from the the Montana and Delaware Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve’s 411th Engineer Battalion. One hundred-twenty aviators from the Co. B, 1st Bn., 171th Aviation (CH-47 Chinooks) deployed to Afghanistan in Fall 2010 and are expected to return in mid-2011.

2011 Annual Report pp. 11-12

Last year, Hawaii Army National Guard units were again deployed in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT) for Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan and the Philippines; as well as numerous exercises in Hawaii and around the world.


One hundred-twenty aviators from the Co. B, 1st Bn., 171th Aviation (CH-47 Chinooks) deployed to Afghanistan return in August 2011. In May 2012, 20 officers and journalist from the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Det. deployed to Afghanistan. The unit went down range in 2005, this time they were in multiple Regional Command South locations. . .

In July 2012, helicopter maintenance Wheeler Army Airfield-based Soldiers from Co. B, 777th Aviation Support Bn., also made a return Afghanistan. Hawaii Guard’s first unit deployed in support of OEF, sent
two teams from 2003 to 2005.

In March 2012, the Brigade Headquarters formed sixteen Security Force Assistance Advisory Teams (SFAAT) to advise and assist Afghan National Security Forces. Comprising of approximately 200 officers and senior enlisted primarily from the 29th IBCT, the SFAAT conducted rigorous pre-mobilization training from March to July and mobilized in end of July 2012. The SFAAT deployed to and conducted postmobilization, before deploying to Afghanistan in November 2012.

2012 Annual Report pp. 10

29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team . . . 152 total personnel from all 29th IBCT units deployed in support of the Security Forces Assistance Training mission.

Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Afghanistan July 2012 to August 2013

2013 Annual Report pp. 9

103rd Troop Command . . . Numerous units have recently or are currently deployed in direct support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan.

2013 Annual Report pp. 10

117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment . . . Deployed in support of OEF Afghanistan, March 2012 through
January 2013.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

C-17 aircraft flown by members of the 204th Airlift Squadron were busy performing vital missions around the world. Numerous flights in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM were flown in and around Afghanistan through the Spring and Summer of 2013

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

152 personnel from Brigade units deployed in support of the Security Forces Assistance Training mission – Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Afghanistan July 2012 to August 2013

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

103rd Troop Command . . . Numerous units have recently or are currently deployed in direct support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

Company B, 1st Battalion,171st Aviation (heavy lift – CH-47 Chinook) . . . Deployed in support of OEFAfghanistan, August 2013 to May 2014.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

1950th Contingency Contracting Team . . . Deployed in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan, August 2013 to May 2014.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

Thirty-eight members of the 154th Civil Engineer Squadron deployed to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM from November 2013 to June 2014. The engineers’ primary
responsibility was to help reconfigure base structures as U.S. forces began drawing down from Bagram.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

In addition, 204th Airlift Squadron personnel provided more than 6,600 mandays in direct support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM during FY 2014.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

Beginning in January 2015, the 154th Security Forces Squadron deployed dozens of Airmen to Southwest Asia, including Afghanistan and Qatar to provide base security for U.S. and coalition forces
fighting the Taliban and ISIS terrorists.

2015 Annual Report pp. 19

Throughout the year, the 204th Airlift Squadron’s C-17s and flight crews flew multiple missions in support of Operation FREEDOM SENTINEL (the current name for operations in Afghanistan).

2015 Annual Report pp. 19

1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery currently mobilized to various areas of operations throughout Afghanistan, conducting C-RAM protection mission.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

Company B, 1st Battalion 171st Aviation Regiment deployed in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel from Apr. 2018 – Feb. 2019.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

Company B, 1st Battalion, 171st Aviation Regiment deployed ISO Operation Freedom Sentinel from Apr. 2018 – Feb. 2019.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery returned from a yearlong mobilization in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel (OFS) and Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) from various areas of operation throughout Afghanistan and Iraq.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12

1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment . . . During FY20, the 1-487 FA concluded deployment at various areas of operations throughout Afghanistan conducting the CounterRocket Artillery & Mortar (C-RAM) protection mission.

2020 Annual Report pp. 12