1975 Hawaii State Prison Support 

Posted on Jan 2, 2025 in 1970's, HING History

The Hawaii National Guard’s ability to accomplish its assigned State mission was evident when in February and March of 1975, Guard units were ordered to State active service by the Governor to provide assistance at the Hawaii State Prison. The operation was carried out by the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard in a highly efficient and professional manner.

1975 Annual Report pp. 1

Elements of the Hawaii Army National Guard were ordered to State active service by the Governor to provide assistance at the Hawaii State Prison from Feb. 10 to Mar. 31 , 1975. In the first four days, a total of 810 guardsmen participated in a search operation. The cost of the entire operation amounted to $82,805.05.

1975 Annual Report pp. 4

During the period Feb. 10 to Mar. 31 , 1975, elements of the Hawaii Army National Guard were ordered to State active service by the Governor to provide assistance at the Hawaii State Prison. This operation involved a total of 810 Guardsmen during the first four days of search operations. Subsequently, a force of 32 men was placed on 24-hour duty daiIy at the prison to provide guards for the towers and to provide a reserve force. The mission was to assist the civil authorities in restoring order to the Hawaii State Prison and to insure safety of prison inmates , the prison staff and the general public. The mission was accomplished without any incidents. The operation cost the State of Hawaii $82,805.05.

1975 Annual Report pp. 10

The Brigade was called to perform civil disturbance duties at the Hawaii State Prison on Feb. 10, 1975. A task force composed of men from the 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery , two companies from 1st Battalion, 299th Infantry, and a detachment of engineers from the 227th Engineer Company moved into the prison and began search operations as part of the State’s stability and reorganization program. The task force was followed by elements of the 159th Service Battalion, which was assigned to the 29th Brigade at that time. The highly efficient and professional manner of operations by those involved set the pace for the entire operation that followed.

1975 Annual Report pp. 11

The 154th FIG civil disturbance team members responded to the call up of the HNG for duty at the Hawaii State Prison

1975 Annual Report pp. 17

February of 1975 found Task Force Guard, the civil disturbance control element of the Hawaii Air
National Guard, deployed to Oahu Prison with the Army Guard to conduct searches for contraband and weapons. LtCol William E. Mossman of HQ HANG directed the operation. After the initial phase, HANG men augmented the Army Guardsmen who remained at the prison until new prison security guards could be trained.

HANG Twenty Five Plus Five- History of the Hawaii Air National Guard 4 November 1971 to 3 and 5 November 1976 pp. 7

The HANG Task Force Guard responded to a call-up of the HNG for duty at the Hawaii State Prison. Under the command of Lt Col William Mossman, the team searched for weapons and contraband drugs. The operation was successful and many members of the team participated on an individual basis for approximately two additional months.

HANG Twenty Five Plus Five- History of the Hawaii Air National Guard 4 November 1971 to 3 and 5 November 1976 pp. 15

In February 1975, Task Force Guard went into action. The civil disturbance control element of the Hawaii Air National Guard deployed to Oahu Prison with the Army Guard to conduct searches for contraband and weapons. Lt. Col. William E. Mossman of HQ HANG directed the operation. After the initial phase, the HANG men augmented the Army Guardsmen who remained at the prison until new prison security guards could be trained.

Mo’olelo Kahiko Helu Ekahi- Tradition of Excellence 40th Anniversary Hawaii Air National Guard pp. 21