1973 Hawaii State Prison Support
Posted on Jan 2, 2025 in 1970's, HING HistoryThe Hawaii Army National Guard was called to support civil authorities and restore order twice at the Hawaii State Prison. The operations, in October and November 1973, were accomplished without any major violence or confrontations. A total of 621 guardsmen were ordered to State active service.
– 1974 Annual Report pp. 6

The training of guardsmen in the area of civil disturbance was put to a test on October 5-17 and November 13-26, 1973. In response to requests from the prison authorities, elements of the Hawaii Army National Guard were ordered to State active service to provide assistance at the Hawaii State Prison, Honolulu, Hawaii. The mission on each occasion was to assist civil authorities in restoring order to the Hawaii State Prison and to insure the safety of inmates, the staff and the general public. The operation on both occasions was accomplished without any major violence or confrontation. A total of 621 guardsmen were ordered to State active service. The cost of both operations to the State of Hawaii was $47,268.
– 1974 Annual Report pp. 11