PANE MAI QUESTIONS: 12/19/2024 “HRO Duties and Responsibilities”

Posted on Jan 7, 2025 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for the TAG

How can HRO duties and responsibilities be given to the Components?


The TAG is the Agency Head and has currently delegated to HRO most of the day-to-day management of the Full-Time Staff (FTS) for both Army (~600 FTS) and Air (~925).  While the National Guard Regulation (NGR 600-5) does say that the TAG may delegate this authority to the Military Personnel Officer (MILPO/G1), it is not recommend delegating further, as the HRO serves as primary/special staff to TAG, who has overall responsibility for FTS, and can maintain consistency across Components and statuses (AGRs/Technicians) of FTS; most all states’ HROs manage both the AGR and Technician FTS.

Second Question for the TAG

ANG seems to handle their own full time management functions separately from HRO already


Yes, HIANG conducts a Component level Manpower Working Group (MWG)/Manpower Management Board (MMB) and pushes decisions/priorities to the HRO monthly, this is how they handle their FTS management functions in conjunction with the HRO.   Air National Guard Instruction 36-101 (Air National Guard Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Program) clearly outlines the TAG and HRO duties and responsibilities.

Additionally, the HIARNG is in the process of reinstating recurring Full Time Manning Meetings and regularly pushing decisions/priorities to the HRO for action. This will also quicken the response time and strengthen communication between HRO and the HIARNG leadership.