Pane Mai Question: 18/12/2024 “HING Culture”

Posted on Dec 20, 2024 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for TAG:
(From an Army AGR): How are you going to influence the culture of the HING to be more inclusive and not divisive by Component (HIANG vs HIARNG), foster better working relationships between branches, training opportunities and preparation for NGCS support to communities? There should not be a sharp learning curve between branches and operations should run smoothly in each county. Options may include formalized outreach between HIANG/HIARNG units on each island, annual capabilities brief to each branch by island, etc. Think down to the Tactical (Soldier / Airman) level.

TAG Response:
Mahalo for your question, I’ll try to answer this in a bifurcated manner. First, Brig. Gen. Mallory and I have a TY-25 schedule of visits to all counties within the state. During these visits, we will meet with county leadership, Veterans Services and cemetery personnel, and our assigned units. Where feasible, we’ll incorporate both HIANG and HIARNG service members together to address the divisive service culture you’re experiencing.

In 1986, the US Congress enacted the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act (GNA). Among other things it promotes greater interoperability among military services. Here within USINDOPACOM, integrated deterrence is our most important mission, and the Hawaii National Guard (HING) is fully committed to that mission. Second, CSM Kumalae and I will work with the HING Joint Staff to build more training and participation structures inclusive of both services on the neighbor islands to provide a more effective response capability. Mahalo.