PANE MAI QUESTION: 12/30/2024 “Team Sport Leagues”

Posted on Jan 8, 2025 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for the TAG

Can I respectfully ask what your stance on team sports is within the HIARNG/HIANG. My question relates to team sports in the form of leagues and individual unit PT.

Team sport leagues: In the past we used to have softball and basketball leagues. Participation would be from different MSC’s, Battalion’s, and Unit’s coming together to compete against each other. Taking the competition aspect out of it, I saw it as a chance to come together to meet and bond with people from different units outside of the workplace setting. In my opinion, it was a huge moral boost. It also instills a sense of pride in the unit you are representing. The second line of the Soldier’s creed states, “I am a warrior and a member of a team.” Team sports will provide inclusiveness and the actual aspect of working together as a member of a team albeit in a different setting. Allowing team sports would bring units together whether they are participating or supporting those participating. All other branches participate in team sports to some degree, I was wondering why we stopped. I was told there is a no team sport policy, but no one could ever show me this policy when I asked to see it. Does one actually exist?

Unit PT: Allowing us to participate in team sports every now and then would definitely add another dynamic in planning Unit PT and break up the monotony. We currently do nothing but army PRT or the planned “WOD” for that specific day. Allowing team sports would lift unit morale and have more Soldier’s looking forward to PT. Team sports builds teamwork and sportsmanship, can improve unit cohesion, develop leadership skills, instill confidence and discipline, and lift moral and help to bring units together.


HRO is actively working on proposing a new policy for my review. Please stand by for updates soon.