PANE MAI QUESTION: 1/24/2025 “TDY Trips”
Posted on Jan 28, 2025 in Ask the TAG responsesWhy do all the same service members get all the TDY trips? The perception is that the officers get all the sweet TDYs while the enlisted pick up the slack in the rear. It seems the same service members get taken care of year after year.
Answered by the CSEL, State Partnership Program and MSC
CSEL: Aloha! Mahalo for your question. I took the liberty of editing it so everyone can understand what you are trying to say. Since the CSEL does NOT decide who gets to go on TDY, I reached out to our SPP team and other leaders who make the call.
From the SPP:
We appreciate your interest in the Hawaii National Guard’s (HING) State Partnership Program (SPP) and would like to provide clarification on how personnel selections are made for engagements with our partner nations.
The SPP operates within the HING Joint Staff under the direction of The Adjutant General (TAG) and falls under the J5 Strategic Policy and Plans Directorate. The selection of personnel for engagements with our Indonesian and Philippine counterparts is based on mission requirements, rank parity, and specific capabilities essential for each engagement.
To address the concern about the selection process:
- Mission-Specific Selection – Personnel are chosen based on the specific position and expertise required for each engagement. These capabilities may include, but are not limited to, Rotary Wing, Cyber, Medical, Air Defense, Aircraft Maintenance, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) expertise, Disaster Management, Joint Training, etc.
- Rank Considerations – Our counterparts in Indonesia (TNI) and the Philippines (AFP) typically send officer-rank personnel for engagements due to their cultural and organizational structures. In response, we strive to match ranks to ensure effective collaboration and meaningful exchanges. However, we always try to promote senior Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) involvement by leading engagements and reinforcing their vital roles in our military exchanges.
Merit-Based Participation – Contrary to any misconceptions, personnel selections are not based on personal relationships but rather on the individual’s qualifications, experience, and alignment with engagement objectives. Our priority remains to ensure the success of the program and to strengthen partnerships through the most qualified individuals.
If you would like further details on how the SPP operates, we encourage you to reach out to the State Partnership Program Director, MAJ Reuben Kim, at [email protected] or (808) 672-1494. He would be happy to provide additional insights into the program’s structure and selection process.
Thank you for your inquiry, and we appreciate your support in fostering a better understanding of this strategic program.
From the MSC:
I select AGRs to conduct TDY missions when required based upon their assigned position, abilities, and with consideration to the unit’s competing demands and coverage during the TDY timeframe. Planning the operations, logistics, and communication requirements for upcoming missions are the most frequent requirements associated with TDYs, which is why the senior AGR officers assigned to these positions conduct the most TDYs for the unit.
Typically, only AGRs conduct TDYs for the unit because additional pay and allowance funding is required when M-Day Soldiers conduct TDYs.
When I receive requests from the Joint Staff, thru the HIARNG Staff, for our Soldiers to travel in support of other HING priorities like SPP engagements and joint exercises, I do my best to accommodate each request. However, I prioritize the unit’s competing demands and coverage during the travel timeframe before making each decision.