PANE MAI QUESTION: 02/04/2025 “Mold Issue in Building 1784”

Posted on Feb 5, 2025 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for the TAG

What is the command doing to permanently address the mold issue in building 1784? Are they going to wait for someone to get really sick?


Safety and Occupational Health has been involved throughout the entire process and have provided guidance and input. Individual tolerances to mold differ with each person so the Chief of Staff and Safety Office has provided medical/safety information to the occupants. The HIARNG Chief of Staff immediately authorized supervisors (months ago) to coordinate alternate work locations if employees were uncomfortable performing duties at affected work centers, or experienced health concerns. I do not recall any reports of mold issues in Bldg. 1784 going back to 2020. It is unlikely since both chillers were replaced after 2020, however, it may have occurred once the first chiller was replaced 2021 and there was lower occupancy during the COVID timeframe.

Cause of Mold Issues – Condensation

  1. Chillers are oversized – previously chilled four buildings (HIARNG, YCA(2) and CoS) and now down to one. Additionally, the HVAC system was designed for 24/7 billeting operations not administrative spaces.
  2. One chiller is not on the DDC – when in the “lead” position it was operating 24/7.
  3. Overcooling the building at night when ambient temperatures are lower, and zero occupancy caused moisture to condense leading to mold growth.

The Way Ahead

  1. The chiller on the DDC will always be the lead chiller until DDC controls are added to the secondary chiller.
  2. The HVAC contractor has been directed to raise the temperature in the chilled water lines to reduce the chance of condensation.
  3. The deep cleaning and mold removal contract has been awarded – projected to start in the next two weeks. The contractor was on site yesterday (Tuesday, 4 FEB) to conduct a walk-thru to develop the schedule over a two-week period. Surface and air mold testing will be conducted to verify mold remediation.