PANE MAI QUESTION: 01/07/2025 “298th MFTR O6”

Posted on Jan 8, 2025 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for CSEL

Why is it that the 298th MFTR is an O6 level command with a CSM, but its subordinate 1st and 2nd “Battalions” only have O5 commanders and not a corresponding CSM? Shouldn’t the organization be able to promote E8s and cycle E9s through BN CSM positions the same way they cycle LTCs through “Battalion” command time at 298 MFTR? This would broaden the pool of “experienced” E9s ready to fill the MSC level and higher CSM positions.


The 298th MFTR Table of Distribution and Allowances does not have E9 CSM positions in 1st and 2nd Battalion. Instead, it has E8 chief instructor positions. The menu option will likely remain unchanged in the future. To make a change will require a policy proposal outside of the state.

Additionally, as a small state, we are only authorized a certain amount of E9 positions. Even if we got the menu adjusted, a current E9 position would have to serve as the “billpayer”.

The experience gained as a CSM in a Battalion smaller than a Platoon would be negligible.