Pane Mai Question: 12/19/2024 “Army AGR”

Posted on Dec 19, 2024 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for CSEL:

What is the plan for talent management and career progression to better manage NCOs before they reach controlled grades? There are too many non-performers currently in controlled grade positions that should have never progressed to E-8/E-9.


  1. We need to build a better mentorship program and meet regularly. There are tools such as the Army Career Tracker and Individual Development Plan, but they aren’t necessarily a perfect fit for the Guard nation, due to being a vacancy-based.
  2. Feedback mechanisms (such as Pane mai!) to provide feedback on their career development experiences and suggest improvements to policy, programs, past assignments, etc.
  3. Evaluations- We need to do better. While most are late, we often fail to rate our servicemembers accurately. In the HIARNG, only around 25% use the support form correctly. The support form ties into development plans which means accountability when it comes time for an annual evaluation. To avoid conflict, most never mention areas needing improvement which leads to improperly developed senior NCOs in the future.
  4. Cross-functional / leadership opportunities- The Company Commander / First Sergeant Pre Command Course ran by the 29th IBCT earlier this year was a step in the right direction. Although resource intensive, it really invested into our up-and-coming command teams. Perhaps doing the same type of course for Squad Leader / Training NCO or Platoon / Section Sergeant. The HIANG does a great job with their “NCO Continuum” which fills the gap between legacy PME courses.

The second part of the question is subjective and opinionated. Our service members are still people that go through life’s ups and downs. I think mentorship, feedback mechanisms, and honest evaluations are the keys to mitigating sub-par performers.