2023 Maui Wildfire Response

Posted on Mar 4, 2025 in 2020's, HING History

Notably, the HING was instrumental in providing critical response and recovery support to Maui County following the catastrophic wildfires that devastated Maui. The August 2023 wildfires represented a series of destructive events that swept through Lahaina and Kula, resulting in extensive damage. In response, the HING activated and deployed over 1,100 personnel to support Maui wildfire event, facilitating crucial assistance and support during a time of significant need.

Joint Task Force 50 (JTF-50) Maui Wildfire Support

  • Total Personnel Support: 1,005
  • Total Request for Assistance supported: 43
    • Fatality Search and Recovery Team (FSRT): 50 pax, searched 382 structures and 379 vehicles, recovered 12 full and 33 partial remains
    • Personnel Decontamination: 612 hours, 949 people decontaminated
    • Potable Water Distribution: 18,545 gallons distributed
    • Impact Zone Security: 581 responses, 573 citizen interactions, 434 escorts, 1,741 presence patrols
  • Aerial Firefighting Support: HING Soldiers and Airmen worked alongside the Maui Fire Department and other responding agencies, providing personnel, helicopters, and logistical support to combat the wildfires.
  • Support to Law Enforcement: HING personnel assisted the Maui Police Department (MPD) in establishing a secure perimeter around Lahaina by setting up security and traffic control checkpoints. This support allowed MPD officers to focus on critical functions, facilitating the beginning of recovery efforts in a controlled and safe environment.
  • Aerial Support: The 204th Airlift Squadron delivered essential aerial support by airlifting personnel, equipment, and supplies to bolster firefighting and relief operations.
  • Support to Emergency Operations Centers: HING personnel augmented the Maui County Emergency Operations Center by providing crucial functions such as situational awareness, public affairs and communications support, and resource allocation.
  • Points of Distribution: HING troops ensured public safety and order in affected areas by implementing security and crowd control measures. They also distributed essential supplies,
    including food and water, to displaced residents and assisted first responders.
  • Community Outreach and Engagement: HING personnel actively engaged with the local communities, offering information, reassurance, and support to affected residents. Their efforts helped alleviate concerns and foster a sense of community resilience.
  • Throughout the response and recovery efforts, HING collaborated closely with county, state, and federal agencies to support the people of Maui and mitigate the impacts of the devastating wildfires. This unified approach ensured an effective response to the disaster.
2024 Annual Report pp. 9-10

In response to the Maui Wildfires, the C4 Cyber Directorate developed and oversaw HING’s communication support plan and information technology requirements.

2024 Annual Report pp. 12

HIARNG Headquarters

In response to the Maui wildfire, over 1,000 HIARNG Soldiers were activated to support the state’s response efforts. HIARNG Aviation flew 159 hours moving 30,000 pounds of cargo and 149 water drops equaling 268,200 gallons. Soldiers executed 43 separate requests for assistance to include search and rescue, decontamination, water distribution, and security

2024 Annual Report pp. 16

Medical Readiness Detachment (MRD)

Upon returning, MRD sent senior medics to Maui to assist with the wildfire disaster last August. A medical operations officer was sent to the JTF and established key Class VIII resupply and a behavioral health team package from the 25th Infantry Division through the USARPAC Theater Joint Force Land Component Command and continued forging processes with civilian and joint service counterparts. MRD also provided the JTF surgeon, Col. Joseph Kushi, and two Behavioral Health officers Col. Seo James Yang and Lt. Col. John Alamodin. Efforts continued as MRD officers rotated through advisory roles throughout the JTF 50 and the Joint Staff. MRD also coordinated with Maui County to augment their Lahaina clinic in addition to establishing a contract with Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. to secure blood testing for all Soldiers in search of JTF 50 and Boots on the Ground in the Impact Zone.

2024 Annual Report pp. 19

1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Regiment (1-299th CAV)

Responded to the Maui Wildfires of 2023 by activating over 60 service members across three islands. State activated service members assisted and aided communities, performed as liaison officers, and coordinated with federal partners.

2024 Annual Report pp. 20

1-487th Field Artillery (1-487th FA)

Maui Wildfire Response: Soldiers from the 1-487th FA responded to the Maui Wildfire on Aug. 8 2023, supporting Maui County in recovery operations and assisting the Maui Police Department with crowd management during the aftermath of the devastating fires. The unit activated soldiers who assisted agencies in conducting recovery operations and to provide essential aid ensuring the safety and well-being of the local community.

2024 Annual Report pp. 20

29th Brigade Support Battalion (29th BSB)

The 29th BSB provided essential support to the state by deploying Soldiers to Maui for critical response efforts during and following the Maui Wildfires.

2024 Annual Report pp. 21

227th Brigade Engineer Battalion (227th BEB)

As one of the major force providers for CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package, 227th BEB personnel deployed to Maui during the Maui WildFires in August to December 2023 stepping into a situation that was rapidly evolving. Their initial efforts focused was to restore order, establishing command posts, coordinating evacuations, and ensuring steady supply chain for essential resources. Simultaneously, they worked to build trust amongst the community, and stabilize the situation, operating with precision and discipline to reassure the community. As fires subsided, the HING shifted their mission to conduct recovery operations which the 227th BEB took part of.

2024 Annual Report pp. 22

117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (117th MPAD)

117th MPAD JTF-50 Maui Wildfire Coverage: Staff Sgt. Matthew Foster, Sgt. Lianne Hirano, Sgt. Gavin Ching, Spc. Sean Walker and Spc. Tonia Ciancanelli provided PA coverage in support of JTF-50 in Lahaina, Maui on Aug 24, 2023.

2024 Annual Report pp. 25

230th Engineer Company, Engineer Vertical Construction Company (230th ENG, EVCC)

230th ENG, EVCC Soldiers (HING CERFP Members): Assisted local, state and federal search and rescue teams during the Maui Wildfire mission from August to September 2023.

2024 Annual Report pp. 25

Detachment 1, Company G, 1st Battalion, 189th Aviation Regiment (Det 1 Co. G, 189th AVN)

Wildfire Support: Det 1 Co. G, 189th AVN conducted NGCS missions in support of other firefighting agencies during wildfire suppression missions on Oahu, Maui, and Kauai from November 2023 to July 2024

2024 Annual Report pp. 27

Company B, 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment (Co. B 2-211th AVN)

Maui and Mililani Mauka Wildfire Support: CH47F Air and ground crews assisted during water bucket operations in support of Maui Wildfire and Mililani Mauka Fire missions from Aug. 9 to Nov. 7, 2023. During both missions, flight crews flew over 50 flight hours and dispensed over 200,000 gallons of water.

2024 Annual Report pp. 27

Detachment 1, G 3-126th, Aviation Regiment (Det 1 Co. G, 3-126th AVN)

The personnel played a critical role in extinguishing three wildfires that spread across Maui Island, one on O‘ahu at Mililani Mauka, and two on Kaua‘i during the summers. Aircrews flew dozens of hours providing aerial water drops, while other unit soldiers worked tirelessly to support.

2024 Annual Report pp. 28

Hawai‘i Air National Guard (HIANG)

In the wake of the deadliest wildfire in recent U.S. history, 41 defenders from the 154th Security Forces Squadron teamed with over 900 federal and civilian law enforcement agencies to secure Lahaina, Maui. Together, they safeguarded more than 3,000 structures, protected 9.3 square miles, and ensured the safety of over 9,000 residents, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to public service and their ability to overcome even the most challenging of circumstances.

The 154th Medical Group provided 41 medical personnel in support of the Maui Wildfire with search and rescue/recovery operation teams at the hot zone, medical logistics and planning, force health protection and medical monitoring of military personnel, and civilian care at Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center. A total of 101 casualties were recovered (36 by CERFP).

In August 2023, members from 154th Civil Engineer Squadron (154th CES) provided Emergency Operations Center Liaisons and staff supporting the State and Maui County in response to the wildfire. . .

In August 2023, members of the 154th Force Support Squadron (154th FSS) Fatality Search and Recovery Team provided direct support to County of Maui in response to the wildfire. The 11-person team worked closely with State, County, and Federal responders across 9 square miles to clear 382 structures and 379 vehicles over a span of 600 hours. Additionally, the team developed and implemented a process to quickly and safely sanitize first responders and critical infrastructure providers.

2024 Annual Report pp. 34