PANE MAI QUESTION: 2/07/2025 “HIARNG Policies”

Posted on Feb 11, 2025 in Ask the TAG responses

Question for CSEL

Things have gotten worse over the years, specifically the HIARNG published policies that truly don’t benefit the organization. And when those policies are challenged, it’s at the expense of a soldier’s career. Perception is reality, and when the same policy rules are enforced on one individual, but overlooked and bent for another, it creates chaos in an organization that preaches transparency. How do you plan on fixing that? Can you involve the full-time force for solutions?


Are you able to elaborate on exactly what policy? We have many that are either outdated, not applicable, or based on old regulation / guidance. Each policy we update is done through a working group. Examples are aloha attire policy, team sports (physical fitness), vacancy fill, etc.

Either inform your chain of command that you want to participate or let me know directly. Looking forward to hearing exactly what policy the HIARNG isn’t following or what we are doing that doesn’t benefit the organization.