Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

Leave Without Pay affects your entitlement to or eligibility for certain federal benefits.

Requests to take LWOP for greater than 30 days must be submitted in writing and approved by your supervisor and HRO.

  1. Fill out the Request for LWOP in Excess of 30 days Package.
  2. Read the “Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Options While in Leave Without Pay (LWOP) or Insufficient Pay Status” contained in the package.  This explains your FEHB options.
  3. Make your FEHB election and sign the bottom of the notice. **Important Note:  HRO must receive your FEHB election within the first 31 days of your LWOP, or your FEHB will be automatically terminated).
  4. Read and initial the Statement of Understanding contained in the package.
  5. Sign the bottom of the Statement of Understanding.
  6. Send the entire package to your supervisor for approval.
  7. Follow up with your supervisor to ensure your request was approved by HRO.
  8. Once your LWOP is approved, you should code your labor in ATAAPS “KA”.
  9. Complete and submit your Return to Duty form PRIOR to your return.

Requests for LWOP should always be approved in advance.  If you’re unable to submit the request electronically, please contact the Benefits Team and we’d be happy to mail it to your HOR.

If you have questions about LWOP, contact the HING HRO Benefits Team:

  • E-mail: ng.hi.hiarng.mbx.nghi-hro-benefits@army.mil
  • Phone: (808) 672-1006 (option 3)