Advanced Leave

Advanced Leave is provided to employees at the discretion of the TAG.

Advanced Leave will be approved when it’s known (or reasonably expected), that the employee will return to duty.

Employees who separate from service with an advanced leave balance are required to refund the amount of leave advanced.

Employees pending separation will not be advanced leave which exceeds the amount that can be repaid by accrual before their date of separation

Advanced Leave must be approved PRIOR to employee’s utilizing advanced leave codes in ATAAPS.

Advanced Annual Leave

Advanced Annual Leave may be granted in an amount not to exceed the amount an employee would accrue within the leave year. Check your LES to determine your rate of Leave Accrual.

Advanced annual leave may be liquidated by subsequently earned annual leave or by a refund upon separation from Federal service.

Employees requesting advanced annual leave should fill out the Advanced Annual Leave Request form and submit it to their supervisor for their (recommended) approval / disapproval. The supervisor should then forward the request to HRO for final approval and processing.

For more guidance on Advanced Annual Leave, visit OPM’s website.

Advanced Sick Leave

Advanced Sick Leave may be advanced up to 240 hours, depending on the situation. The medical documentation requirements for regular use of Sick Leave apply.

Advanced sick leave may be liquidated by subsequently earned sick leave, by a charge against annual leave (provided this action is completed prior to the time the leave would be forfeited and the annual leave would have been granted), or by a refund upon separation.

Employees requesting advanced sick leave should fill out the Advanced Sick Leave Request form and submit it to their supervisor for their (recommended) approval / disapproval. The supervisor should then forward the request to HRO for final approval and processing.

For more guidance on Advanced Sick Leave, visit OPM’s website.

If you have questions about HING’s Advanced Annual or Sick Leave process or need information on other leave options, contact the HING HRO Benefits Team:

Phone: (808) 672-1006 (option 3)