2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Posted on Oct 2, 2024 in Main

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an international initiative that highlights actions everyone can take to stay safe online.

Even amidst large-scale data breaches and cyberattacks, Cybersecurity Awareness Month reminds everyone that there are simple, effective ways to stay safe online, protect personal data, and ultimately help Secure Our World.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is supported by corporations, government agencies, schools, tribes, non-profits and professionals dedicated to cybersecurity education and protecting our communities.


The theme for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024 is “Secure Our World”. Launched in 2023, Secure Our World empowers everyone to understand the simple ways to protect yourself, your family and your business from online threats. We’re increasingly connected through digital tools and more of our sensitive information is online. This convenience comes with risks. Each of us has a part to play in keeping ourselves and others safe. It’s easy to do and takes less time than you think.

While we’ve seen incredible advancements in technology, like AI, the tried-and-true cyber basics still apply and are greatly effective at keeping you safe. This is why we continue to highlight the four simple ways to stay safe online during Cybersecurity Awareness Month:

Use Strong Passwords

Using strong passwords and a password manager are some easy ways to protect ourselves from someone logging into an account and stealing data or money

Turn on MFA

Multifactor authentication means using more than a password to access an app or account. With MFA, we might be asked to enter a text code or use a fingerprint. It makes us much safer from someone accessing our accounts.

Update Software

Don’t delay software updates. Flaws in software can give criminals access to files or accounts. Programmers fix these flaws as soon as they can, but we must install updates for the latest protection!

Recognize & Report Phishing

Phishing often tries to get us to open a harmful attachment or share personal information. Learn what to look for to avoid the “phish hook.” 


According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance 2023 Oh Behave! report:

  • 84% of people considered online safety a priority
  • Only 38% of people use unique passwords for all their accounts
  • About a third of respondents began using a password manager after receiving cyber training
  • 79% of respondents were familiar with multifactor authentication.
  • 70% of those who have heard of MFA security measure know how to use it
  • Only 36% of people always install software updates when they become available
  • 69% of people express confidence in their ability to identify phishing attempts
  • 51% of Americans actively report cybercrimes, particularly instances of phishing.