HING Work schedules

Army 2020 technicians schedule:

Army technicians also have the option to work the 5×8 work schedule.

Army AGRs can only work the 5×8 work schedule (Monday-Friday), weekends as necessary dictated by mission requirements.

For Army technicians to do a work schedule change from the 5-4-9 to the 5×8 work schedule you will need to get approval from the HRO and then  submit a HING Form 157 to finance prior to executing a work schedule change action.



Work Schedule Change (Title 32 Technicians and Title 5 Employees ONLY):

For technicians to do a work schedule change from the 5-4-9 to the 5×8 work schedule or to change from the 5×8 to the 5-4-9 work schedule  you will need to get approval from the HRO.

Please fill out the HIARNG Form 157and submit to your supervisor for their review and approval.

If your supervisor approves the schedule change then your supervisor will forward the form to HRO for approval.

Once HRO approves, the HRO office will forward the HIARNG Form 157 to the appropriate finance office for processing.

Preferable the employee should turn the HIARNG Form 157 in at least 2 pay periods before the change.

Verify in ATAAPS that your work schedule was changed appropriately if not then follow up with the HRO Labor Relations Specialist.