HI-EMA administers three FEMA grant programs that are focused on Hazard Mitigation:

  1. Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
  2. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
  3. Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

FY 23 FMA Deadlines:

  • 02/22/24 – HI-EMA submits state application package to FEMA
  • 02/29/24 – FY23 BRIC & FMA applications close at 9am


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) DR-4724, Hawai‘i Wildfire


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Post Fire FM-5474


Notice of Intent filing for all open funding opportunities can be done here.

All applications must be reviewed and approved by HI-EMA prior to submission.

If you are interested in submitting a project for either BRIC or FMA Fiscal Year 23 funding, contact the Hazard Mitigation Team at hiema.hmgrants@hawaii.gov.

State and local mitigation activities that qualify for FEMA funding include:

  • Design, Studies, and Advance Assistance (when you know you want to mitigate against a hazard but don’t know the best option)
  • Energy, water, communications redundancy (generators, microgrids, backup systems, wells, microwave/radio systems, etc.)
  • Coastal, inland, floodplain protection, and dry floodproofing (coral reef restoration, sand dune restoration, and sea level rise, etc.)
  • Soil stabilization, landslides, and erosion control
  • Hurricane wind retrofitting, earthquake hardening of existing buildings, especially critical facilities and infrastructure
  • Defensible space and hazardous fuels reduction
  • Community rain & stormwater harvesting and flood mitigation
  • Outreach and education

Who is Eligible for Hazard Mitigation Grants? State and County Agencies are eligible to apply for BRIC, HMGP, and FMA. Certain private, non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for HMGP only. Individuals and businesses are not eligible to apply directly; however, an eligible state or county agency may apply on behalf of individuals or businesses through sponsorship.

For more information on eligibility, please contact the Hazard Mitigation Team at (808) 733-4300, or email hiema.hmgrants@hawaii.gov.

Review FEMA’s HMA Guidance 2015HMA Guidance 2015 Addendum for application & reporting requirements.

Review FEMA’s HMA Guidance 2023 for application & reporting requirements.