
State of Hawaii Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The purpose of this plan is to establish written processes and procedures for the activation, operation, and demobilization of a State Staging Area (SSA) to ensure that the state can receive, track, and distribute emergency resources throughout the state in an efficient, effective and timely manner following or in anticipation of a significant planned event, major disaster or emergency.

The Five Year Strategic Plan outlines the parameters and responses to emergencies and disasters within the 2020-2025 timeline.




State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP)

The SHMP identifies the major natural hazards that affect our state, assesses the risk that each hazard poses,
analyzes the vulnerability of our people, property and infrastructure to the specific hazard, and recommends actions that can be taken to reduce the risk and vulnerability to the hazard.

The plan also contains a description of programs, policy, statutes and regulations applicable to hazard mitigation.




State of Hawaii Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan – Base Plan

The State of Hawai`i Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan – Base Plan describes and establishes the
organizational framework the state will use to document and socialize the many strategic, operational, and
tactical emergency management plans, policies, and procedures that make up the State Comprehensive
Emergency Management Program.

The implementation of this plan requires collaboration and commitment from all state entities with emergency
management responsibilities. Through the execution of this document, state emergency management activities
will increase in effectivity, to the benefit of all public and private entities as well as state residents and visitors.


State of Hawaii Emergency Operations Plan (HI-EOP) and Annexes

The Hawaii Emergency Operations Plan (HI-EOP) is an all-hazards plan that establishes  the shared framework for the state’s response to, and initial recovery from emergencies and disasters. The Base Plan is supported by Annexes that outline responsibilities of state agencies and partners for emergency functions and provide additional detail on the response to specific types of issues and incidents.




SESF #1 – Transportation

Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan 

Tsunami Incident Annex

Cyber Disruption Response Plan

Terrorism and Targeted Violence Annex






















SESF #2 – Communications







SESF #3 – Public Works and Engineering
SESF #4 – Firefighting
SESF #5Information & Planning
SESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing & Human Services 

*Memorandum of Understanding Between HI-EMA and the Hawaii Association of Animal Welfare Agencies

*Memorandum of Understanding between HI-EMA and the Hawai’i  Veterinary Medical Association

SESF #7 –  Logistics Management & Resource Support
SESF #8 – Public Health & Emergency Services
SESF #9 – Search & Rescue (Under Development)
SESF #10 – Oil & HAZMAT Response
SESF #11 – Agriculture & Natural Resources
SESF #12 – Energy
SESF #13 – Public Safety & Security
SESF #15 – External Affairs
SESF #16 – Finance & Administration
SESF #20 – Military Support


Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP)

The IPP is updated annually.  It is the product of the Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW), which is hosted by HI-EMA and attended by stakeholders from all levels of government, the non-profit and private sectors. The IPP is informed by the input provided by this diverse group of agencies and is the roadmap for Hawaii to accomplish the priorities described within this document.




Hawaii Statewide Alert & Warning System (SAWS)

The State Plan for the Integrated Public Alerts & Warning Systems (IPAWS), Emergency Alert System (EAS), and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA).





State of Hawaii Distribution Management Plan (DMP)

The state’s distribution management plan (DMP) details the process for an effective and efficient distribution of critical resources to disaster survivors during a crisis. The plan addresses the numerous activities normally a part of “physical distribution” systems including materials handling, warehousing, supply chain and logistics of critical equipment, commodities and services that meet incident requirements.
