Task Forces

Memorial Task Force

Act 139 signed by Governor Abercrombie on June 21, 2013 directed the Office of Veterans Services with the assistance of the Department of Accounting and General Services, the Department of Defense, and the State Historic Preservation Division to develop a plan to give tangible and visible recognition of the sacrifices and contributions of veterans from Hawaii who served in the Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation New Dawn, Global War on Terrorism, Homeland Defense, and Operation Noble Eagle.

The Memorial Task Force which is co-chaired by Dave Brostrom and Allen Hoe, the Gold Star Fathers of Army 1st Lieutenants Nainoa Hoe and Jonathan Brostrom, announced that they are seeking input from the individuals, organizations and the general public on what the memorial design should include and where it should be located.

Women Veterans Task Force

Senate Resolution No. 6 S.D.1 directed the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Hawai`i Office of Veterans Services to develop comprehensive programs and services to address the needs of women veterans and women on active duty. The Hawai`i Office of Veterans Services created a task force comprised of 13 women veterans and active duty women currently serving in the military from the community, named the Hawai`i Women Military Veterans Task Force (HWMVTF), to address the unique needs of women Veterans in April 2011. The women, whom many have served in combat, represented all eras, services and professions.

The mission of the task force is “to improve the lives of women who are serving or have served in the military, to identify and address the unique needs of women veterans, and to harness the power of women, influencing change.” The members unequivocally believe in the strength of empowering women veterans through education and opportunities to improve and increase resilience.