Advisory Board

What does the Advisory Board do?

The Advisory Board on Veterans’ Services advises the Director on veterans’ issues, legislative proposals and program operations. The Board is made up of eight voting members representing all of the state’s counties. Members of the Advisory Board, with the consent of the Senate, are appointed by the Governor and hold four-year terms of office. At least five of the board’s seven members must be veterans.

The Board meets on the first Friday of each month at 9:00 am to discuss matters related to the state’s 120,000 veterans. Meetings are held through Microsoft Teams Meeting and are open to the public.

OVS Advisory Board meeting agenda can be viewed on the state’s public event calendar. Scroll/select the month to see that month’s agenda.

By-Laws for Advisory Board on Veterans Services

Please contact your nearest OVS office or email for more information if you would like to get involved.