Warrant Officer
Warrant officers are technical and tactical experts. They are considered to be the best of the best in their field. Following the warrant officer path means you would be critical to administering and executing plans, as well as being the leader officers and enlisted personnel look to for advice and direction.
Specialized training prepares you to be a technical and tactical expert in your field and an effective leader, instructor, and advisor to both subordinates and commanders who depend on you. With over 40 different warrant specialties, you will likely have options to select from based on your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty, or the job you do in the Guard.) Whichever warrant officer career direction you choose, you’ll be on a path to higher rank, increased responsibility and authority, and greater pay and benefits.
The Army National Guard Warrant Officer Program offers you the opportunity to take your military specialty to a whole new level. As a Warrant Officer in the Hawaii Army National Guard, you will focus on the kind of challenging technical and tactical specialties needed to manage today’s most advanced battlefield systems. It is an opportunity to build upon your past enlisted experience. You will take your capabilities to a higher level and enjoy a military atmosphere that offers excellent career stability. In addition, as a Warrant Officer, you are offered outstanding prospects for advancement and promotion.
- G.T. score of 110 or higher
- Pass a Chapter 2 Commissioning physical/Chapter 4 Commissioning physical for aviators (aka 1W Flight Physical)
- Have a Secret security clearance (Can apply for pre-determination with verification of an interim secret clearance and attend WOCS)
- Pass the Army ACFT and meet the height and weight standards, in accordance with AR 600-9
- Meet specific MOS prerequisites as determined by the warrant officer proponent
- Have the appropriate “Feeder” MOS. 4-6 years experience in the MOS/field for which applying (Will consider if civilian experience is equivalent to Feeder MOS)
- Some MOSs require a specific level of NCOES
- Some MOSs require 6 semester hours of college level English from an accredited university or college.
- Visit Army Feeder MOS List for more information on the requirements to become a warrant officer
Click on this link Warrant Officer Pre-Screen
or scan the QR code to get started.

19 Shangrila Street
Kapolei, HI 96707
Phone: (808) 672-1020
Hawaii Army National Guard Recruiting Professionals
Hawaii Army National Guard Recruiter SSG Ryan Tanouye
In order to become a warrant officer, you must graduate from either State or Federal Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). The Hawaii Army National Guard conducts WOCS at the 298th Regimental Training Institute (RTI) in Waimanalo, HI. It consists of two phases. Phase 1 is 15 days long in Indiana. Phase 2 is ten days long at the 298th RTI.
WOCS is also conducted at numerous times throughout the year at Fort Novosel, AL. It is 40 days long.
Under certain circumstances, individuals can be directly appointed as a warrant officer without attending Warrant Officer Candidate School. Commissioned officers can be directly appointed as a warrant officer if they have already completed the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC). Enlisted service members may be able to be directly appointed as a warrant officer if they have an extremely high level of civilian experience and education in the specific warrant officer field/branch. For example, a Soldier that has years of experience and training in the cyber defense arena may be able to seek a direct appointment as a Cyber Warfare warrant officer.