
Headquarters, Hawaii Army National Guard

Recruiting and Retention Battalion (RRB)

The Recruiting and Retention Battalion’s mission is to conduct continuous annual recruiting, retention, and attrition management activities and events to achieve authorized end-strength objectives and operational force readiness requirements for the Hawai‘i Army National Guard.

  • CDR: LTC Natalie Hayes
  • CSM: CSM Scott Stimpson

Medical Readiness Detachment (MRD)

The Medical Readiness Detachment’s mission is to plan, program, provide, and sustain force health protection and medical / dental support to ensure medical readiness, operations, training, mobilization and demobilization of Army National Guard units.

  • CDR: COL Janet Lundberg
  • 1SG: 1SG Aaron Pitt

Headquarters Detachment, Joint Force Headquarter (HHD JFHQ)

The Headquarters Detachment Joint Force Headquarter’s mission is to provide administrative and logistical support to all personnel assigned to the Hawai‘i National Guard Army Element J-Staff, Hawai‘i Army National Guard Staff, Special Staff, Aviation Staff, and Headquarters section in order to set the conditions for all service members within the unit to conduct mission command to Hawai‘i National Guard forces in support of National Guard Civil Support Operations and community support.

  • CDR: Maj. Alvin G. Kam
  • 1SG: 1SG John P. Balmonte

Joint Force Headquarters, Army Element (ARMY ELMT, JFHQ-HI)

The Hawai‘i National Guard Joint Staff’s mission is to coordinate planning, training, and execution of National Guard missions with other U.S. Government agencies, protects and defends the homeland and its interests; performs National Guard Domestic Operations to protect life and property within the state; and alongside Allies and partners, promotes security and stability in the Indo Asia-Pacific region.

  • CDR: MAJ Alvin Kam
  • 1SG: 1SG John Balmonte

29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (29th IBCT)

The 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team’s mission is to deploy ready forces to conduct decisive action in support of unified land operations for domestic and overseas contingencies within the assigned area of responsibility to protect, support, and defend our Nation and State.

Commander COL Wesley K. Kawakami
CSM Brandon Kumalae

Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (HHC 29th IBCT)

The Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team’s mission is to provide command, control and supervision of the operation of the Brigade and attached units. The HHC, 29th IBCT also provides operating personnel to support functional requirements for the headquarters.

  • CDR: CPT John R. Siquig
  • 1SG: 1SG Louis P. Race
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 29TH Infantry Brigade Combat Team Logo

1st Squadron 299th Cavalry Regiment (1-299th Cav)

The 1st Squadron 299th Cavalry Regiment’s mission is to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the development of the brigade’s situational awareness and knowledge in the area of operations. Squadron operations empower the brigade to anticipate, forestall and dominate threats, ensuring brigade mission accomplishment through decisive action and freedom of maneuver.

  • CDR: LTC Frederick J. Werner
  • CSM: CSM Roger A. Uganiza

1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery (1-487th FA)

The 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery’s mission is to deploy to any location worldwide; provides direct support fire support to the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, in order to destroy, neutralize, or suppress the enemy with cannon fires, and integrate all fire support assets into joint combined-arms operations.

1ST Battalion, 487TH Field Artillery Regiment logo

29th Brigade Support Battalion (29th BSB)

The 29th Brigade Support Battalion’s mission is to provide trained and ready forces capable of sustaining the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team with multi-functional logistics and force health protection. On order, 29th BSB mobilizes to sustain 29th IBCT combat operations worldwide or in support of emergency and contingency operations at the Federal or State level.

  • CDR: LTC Joshua A. Jacobs
  • CSM: CSM Jason I. Kaaiakamanu.

1st Battalion, 158th Infantry

The 1st Battalion, 158th Infantry’s mission is to close with the enemy using fire and movement to destroy or capture enemy forces, or to repel enemy attacks by fire, close combat, and counterattack to control land areas, including populations and resources.

1st Battalion, 294th Infantry

The 1st Battalion, 294th Infantry’s mission is to close with the enemy using fire and movement to destroy or capture enemy forces, or to repel enemy attacks by fire, close combat, and counterattack to control land areas, including populations and resources.

1st Battalion, 297th Infantry

The 1st Battalion, 297th Infantry’s mission is to close with the enemy using fire and movement to destroy or capture enemy forces, or to repel enemy attacks by fire, close combat, and counterattack to control land areas, including populations and resources.

227th Brigade Engineer Battalion (227th BEB)

The 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion’s mission is to conduct mission command, engineer battalion operations, intelligence collection, information network and information systems, disaster management operations, and sustainment worldwide in support of the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team’s combat operations or in support of contingency or emergency operations at the federal, state, or local level. 

  • CDR: LTC Dale R. Balsis
  • CSM: CSM Patrick Lapitan

103rd Troop Command (103rd TC)

The 103rd Troop Command’s mission is to execute training plans to meet personnel readiness, as well as mission essential task proficiency required, individual and collective training readiness goals, provides ready forces to support exercises, National Guard Civil Support operations, and multidomain operations in order to protect our communities and support combatant commander requirements.

  • CDR: LTC Phoebe Inigio
  • CSM: CSM Roger Goodwin

Headquarters, Headquarters Company 103rd Troop Command (HHC 103rd TC) 

Headquarters, Headquarters Company 103rd Troop Command’s mission is to conduct training, provides ready forces, executes mission command during National Guard Civil Support and supports exercises / overseas deployments in support of state and federal missions within the state of Hawai‘i, Continental United States, and Outside of the Continental United States as required.

  • CDR: CPT Michelle Amparan
  • 1SG: 1SG Jasmine Reyna

297th Engineer Detachment, Firefighting Team (297th Eng Det)

297th Engineer Detachment, Firefighting Team’s mission is to mobilize and deploy in any theater of operations to provide fire protection for aviation assets and other major facilities and provide firefighting services during peacetime in support of local Civil Authorities. On order, they provide National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: CPT Michelle Amparan
  • 1SG: 1SG Jasmine Reyna
297TH Engineer logo

1950 Contingency Contracting Team (1950 CCT)

1950 Contingency Contracting Team’s Mission is to mobilize and deploy to provide contracting support in a contingency environment to include contracting for supplies, services, and construction. On order, provides National Guard Civil Support support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: MAJ Robert Franks
  • 1SG: 1SG Jasmine Reyna
1950 Contingency Contracting Team logo

50th Quartermaster Detachment (50th QM Det)

50th Quartermaster Detachment’s mission is to provide field feeding support for up to 700 Echelons above Brigade personnel as well as provide National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: CPT Cliff Yim
  • 1SG: 1SG Eunjin Chang

111th Army Band (111th AB)

The 111th Army Band’s mission is to promote the Army and our national interests, enable commanders to shape the environment to accomplish their mission, and set the conditions that lead to trust and confidence in America’s Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict, and war. 111th AB’s current mission essential tasks are to provide musical support to military ceremonies and conduct music outreach.

  • CDR: CW5 Curtis Hiwane
  • 1SG: 1SG Brent Rubio
111TH Army Band logo

117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (117th MPAD)

117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment’s mission is to provide direct public affairs support to units deployed in support of Army, joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational operations. Provides National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: MAJ Nate Calio
  • 1SG: 1SG Terence Tomori
117TH Mobile Public Affairs Detachment logo

230th Engineer Company, Engineer Vertical Construction Company (230th ENG, EVCC)

The 230th Engineer Company, Engineer Vertical Construction Company’s mission is to provide ready forces to support federal and state missions and provide vertical and horizontal engineering support in the construction, repair, and maintenance of infrastructure to support domestic, overseas missions, and provides National Guard Civil Support support throughout the State of Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: CPT Samuel Akinaka
  • 1SG: 1SG Kristalyn Daquep
230TH Engineer logo

Company B, 777th Aviation Support Company (Co B 777th ASC)

Company B, 777th Aviation Support Company’s mission is to provide aviation intermediate maintenance in multiple locations simultaneously to support the Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade as part of a Joint Force in a multi-domain operational environment to fight and win in large scale combat operations. Also, they provide National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: CPT John Worthington
  • 1SG: 1SG Soloman Makaneole
Company B, 777TH Aviation Support Company

Company B, 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment (Co B 2-211th AVN)

The Company B, 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment’s mission is to provide aerial movement of troops, supplies, and equipment for support of maneuver, combat support, and combat service support operations. Provides National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: 1LT Zach Tinao-Rabellizsa
  • 1SG: 1SG Clayton Perreira
Company B, 2ND Battalion, 211TH Aviation Regiment

Company B, 1109 Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (Co B 1109 TASMG)

The company B, 1109 Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group’s mission is to mobilize and deploy worldwide to provide direct and habitual combat service support to the TASMG. On order, provides National Guard Civil Support throughout Hawai‘i. Co B 1109 TASMG’s current mission essential tasks are to provide ground logistic support to include ground equipment maintenance, medical, and distribution.

  • CDR: CPT John Yim
  • 1SG: 1SG Eunjin Chang
Company B, 1109TH Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group

Company C, 1st Battalion, 183rd Aviation Regiment (Co C 1-183rd AVN)

The Company C, 1st Battalion, 183rd Aviation Regiment’s mission is to deploy worldwide in order to provided air assault and air movement operations in multi-domain operations. On order, provides National Guard Civil Support throughout the State of Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: 1LT Sydnie Collins
  • 1SG:  1SG Duke Takasawa
Company C, 1ST Battalion, 183RD Aviation Regiment

Detachment 1, Company A, 3rd Battalion, 140th Aviation Regiment (Det 1 Co A 3-140th AVN)

The Detachment 1, Company A, 3rd Battalion, 140th Aviation Regiment’s Mission is to conduct aviation security, reconnaissance, support and other operations for Homeland Security and Defense, Counter Drug Operations, and National Guard Civil Support, and other agencies as approved by the Secretary of Defense for both Continental United States, and outside of the Continental United States areas of responsibility.

  • CDR: CPT Marshall Kaohu-Nishimura
  • 1SG: SFC Aurelio Tumpap
Detachment 1, Company A, 3RD Battalion, 140TH Aviation Regiment

Detachment 1, Company G, 1st Battalion, 189th Aviation Regiment (Det 1 Co G 189th AVN)

The Detachment 1, Company G, 1st Battalion, 189th Aviation Regiment’s mission is to mobilize and deploy worldwide to perform aeromedical evacuation operations under day, night, and night vision conditions. Conduct medical resupply, transport of medical personnel, hoist operations, search and rescue operations, and provide National Guard Civil Support Operations throughout the State of Hawai‘i.

  • CDR: CPT Andrew Ung
  • 1SG: SFC Matthew Mitsui
Detachment 1, Company G, 1ST Battalion, 189TH Aviation Regiment

Detachment 1, Company G, 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation Regiment (Det 1 Co G 3-126th AVN)

The Detachment 1, Company G, 3-126 Aviation Regiment’s mission is to mobilize and deploy worldwide IOT perform Aeromedical Evacuation Operations and Flight Operations within a AOR. Conduct medical resupply, transport of medical personnel, sling load and rescue hoist operations, multi and single-ship (D, N, NVG, VMC/IMC, 24/7) to supported Units. On order, provides National Guard Civil Support (NGCS) throughout Hawaii.

  • CDR: 1LT Sarah-Anne Jordan
  • 1SG: SFC Bryan Hinkle
Detachment 1, Company G, 3RD Battalion, 126TH Aviation Regiment

298th Multi-Functional Training Regiment (298th MFTR)

298TH Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment

The 298th Multi-Functional Training Regiment’s mission is to provide a professional learning environment and quality training for the Soldiers and Leaders of the Army National Guard, United States Army Reserve and Active Component to the standards set forth by the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and Centers of Excellence, producing a ready force in support of the National Guard Civil Support and Department of Defense Multi-Domain Operations.

  • CDR: COL Ronald Hogsten
  • CSM: Ronald Biancaniello

1st Battalion, 298th Multi-Functional Training Regiment (1-298th MFTR)

The 1st Battalion, 298th Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment’s Mission is to provide Combat Arms and leadership training in the 11B Career Management Field, Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Candidate Schools to the standards set forth by the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, the Maneuver Center of Excellence and in accordance with Proponent guidance, to produce a ready force in support of Hawai‘i Army National Guard and Department of Defense Unified Land Operations

  • CDR: LTC Edward Choo
  • NCOIC: MSG Marcos Orozco
1st Battalion, 298th Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment

2nd Battalion, 298th Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment (2-298th MFTR)

The 2nd Battalion, 298th Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment’s Mission is to conduct Basic Leadership Course and Common Faculty Development – Instructor Course training to Soldiers and leaders of every component of the U.S. Army to the standards set forth by the Training and Doctrine Command. Soldiers are provided the resources and knowledge to train and lead effectively in all circumstances in support of Hawai‘i Army National Guard and Department of Defense Unified Land Operations.

  • CDR: LTC Normandy Smithers
  • NCOIC: MSG Gloria Agron
2nd Battalion, 298th Regiment, Multi-Functional Training Regiment

Ordnance Training Company, Regional Training Site-Maintenance (OTC, RTS-M)

The Ordnance Training Company, Regional Training Site – Maintenance’s mission is to instructs 91B functional and non-functional courses to train future leaders to standards set by Training and Doctrine Command and Combined Arms Support Command to produce a combat ready force.

  • CDR: MAJ Lindsey Altura
  • 1SG: 1SG Ernest Hapenney

Hawaii Army and Air National Guard

The Joint Staff (JFHQ-HI)

The Joint Staff coordinates planning, training, and execution of National Guard missions with other U.S. Government agencies, protects and defends the homeland and its interests; performs National Guard domestic operations to protect life and property within the state; and alongside Allies and partners, promotes security and stability in the Indo Asia-Pacific region.

93rd Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Enhanced Response Force Package (93rd CERFP)

The 93rd Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Enhanced Response Force Package is a specialized team that responds to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive incidents within FEMA Region IX, deploying within six hours of formal alert. Their primary mission is to support local, state, and federal agencies in consequence management by providing critical capabilities to operate in contaminated environments.

93rd Civil Support Team, Weapons of Mass Destruction (93rd CST WMD)

The 93rd Civil Support Team supports civil authorities at the direction of the Governor at domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High Yield Explosive incident sites by identifying agents/substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures, and assisting with requests for additional support in order to help save lives and minimize property damage. The Civil Support Team consists of 22 full-time National Guard personnel (18 Army / 4 Air) who are postured for immediate recall 24 / 7, primarily in a Title 32 operational status.

Counterdrug Program (CDP)

The Counterdrug Program supports Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), Community Base Organizations (CBOs), and other government agencies in their efforts to reduce the supply and demand for illicit drugs within the state. The Counterdrug Program Analyst Support section assists LEAs with criminal data analysis to detect, interdict, and curtail illicit drug trafficking activities. The Counterdrug Program Drug Demand Reduction Outreach section assists CBOs and other government agencies with training and support in leadership,  organizational analysis, planning, decision making, and interagency collaboration to reduce substance abuse and its destructive impact on our communities.