Waiawa Site Information

Waiawa Site Information

**UPDATE- 6 JULY 2023
Instructions to get to the initial test results by Hawaii Army National Guard in Waiawa (6JUL2023)

Go to: https://www.acq.osd.mil/eie/eer/ecc/pfas/map/pfasmap.html

Scroll down, click on the State of Hawaii graphic

Click on Installation Name: Waiawa Unit Training Equipment Site (UTES)

The results are listed in the chart: Final Reported Data

(ng/L = parts per trillion)** 

– 26 MAY 2023: The first test results came in. Four wells in the Waiawa Street neighborhood were tested by the Hawaii National Guard. None of these wells registered readings of PFAS over 70 parts per trillion. It is not an ending to the story, but a promising start. We will continue to test more wells in the area and stay connected with all landowners and residents.**

Currently we are reviewing comments from the State of Hawaii, Dept. of Health and the Board of Water Supply.  

PFAS Question
