How to Apply
Open to Graduates of Youth Challenge Academy Oahu & Hilo campus ages 17 to 20.
Class dates: January through June & August through December
Class 01 starts August 5th, 2024
- Construction (ABC)
- Forklift Certification
- Real Estate
- Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
- Medical Assistant (MA)
- Dental Assistant
- Completion of HiSET
Application Process
Step 1: Sign up for an Orientation
- Call or Text: 808-430-4184
- Email:
- Online Form: Sign up here
Step 2: Attend an Orientation
Where: TBA
Bring or submit the following:
- Completed Application – signed by candidate and all custodial parents/guardians
- Birth Certificate – copy
- Social Security Card – copy
- Medical Insurance Card – copy
- Government Issued ID (State ID, Driver’s License, Military ID, or Passport) – copy
Step 3: Ohana Interview
Bring or submit the following:
- Enrollment Agreement (Completed/Signed by applicant and all custodial parents/guardians are sent back to JCA)
- Parent Questionnaire, Custody, 911 Contact form (Completed/Signed by all custodial parents/guardians are sent back to JCA)
- Waivers (Completed/Signed by all custodial parents/guardians are sent back to YCA)
- Family Tree Project (Completed/Signed by applicant and all custodial parents/guardians are sent back to JCA)
- Medical Aid Station, Rx (Completed/Signed all custodial parents/guardians are sent back to JCA)
- Medical Provider forms (Please fill out parent/guardian sections ONLY, then bring to medical appointments. Completed/Signed forms are sent back to JCA)
- Juvenile Criminal Report (This is REQUIRED for all applicants. Requests are processed at your Family Court, results are sent back to JCA)
Step 4: Attend an Endurance Event (Hilo Schedule)
Where: TBA
Please bring or wear:
- Athletic clothes
- Running shoes
- Your game face
- Any questions you have about the program
- Last but not least, WATER!
Selection Process
Step 1: Review Board
- Team leads in all departments will review each candidate that have successfully completed all steps in the Application process.
Step 2: Letters of Acceptance
- Sent via email and/or USPS to applicants that are selected
Step 3: Ohana Decisions
@YouthChallengeAcademyHilo Facebook
@YouthChallengeAcademyHilo Instagram