Mentor Application – Hilo

Aloha Mentor Prospect,

Thank you for considering to be a mentor for a Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy applicant. Your involvement during this life changing journey will play a significant part of their future. The mentoring commitment is 14 months long and starts after the Mentor Match Ceremony (see list of events below).
To be eligible for graduation from our academy, each student is REQUIRED to have a trained mentor. Please ensure you meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 23 years old.
  • Be the same gender as the student.
  • Clear of criminal felony convictions, alcohol or substance abuse & DUI’s within the past 5 years.
  • NOT living in the same household, however must live within reasonable geographic proximity from cadet.
  • NOT be an immediate family member (mother, father, step-parents, siblings, step/half siblings, foster parent, legal guardian, ChalleNGe staff member, their spouses or significant other).
  • After the completed application is received and screened, the following event will take place:
    • You will be contacted for a telephone interview
    • Scheduled for the Mandatory Training Workshop
    • Invited to the Mentor Match Ceremony
    • Contact your student (cadet) weekly

Download the full Mentor Application

For more information contact our Mentor Coordinators office
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 808-369-0956
Fax: 808-933-1403


Mentor Sign Up form - Hilo

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Name of Candidate
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.