VAPIHCS: Start the Year Off Right
Posted on Jan 24, 2025 in VAPIHCS Veterans
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System (VAPIHCS) wants to keep your personal health information safe. To ensure your privacy when electronically interfacing with us, we have now switched to two-factor authentication on the MyHealtheVet app, our web portal, and all other electronic forms of communication. By using and, you will have access to all the same services you’re used to, but with an added layer of security that can give you confidence in your online privacy. Veterans can learn more here.
Instead of making resolutions, try setting intentions for the new year. This concept – from our Whole Health program – suggests the approach of building flexibility into hopes we carry for 2025. Maybe you intend to improve your surroundings, learn a new skill, or mend a rift in a relationship. As you take steps towards this intention, you may fall short. Adopt a strategy of re-thinking the way forward when you have a setback and keep trying until you succeed. Intentions carry you farther than goals because there is no failure; only opportunities to pivot and try again.
VAPIHCS is here to help you on your way. Is this the year that you intend to quit smoking? Perhaps you would benefit from having your own Health Coach through our Whole Health program. If you intend to get in better shape, you could ask for a referral to the Move program to do exercise with other Veterans and make friends while gaining flexibility and muscle strength. Have you suffered a setback recently? Our Recreation Therapy program can help you regain confidence and find new ways to do the things you love. Ask your doctor about a referral for Health Coaching, the Move Program, Recreation Therapy, or about other VA offerings to help you meet your intentions.
VAPIHCS is committed to addressing Veterans as a whole, with services to help you improve your spiritual health, your mental health, and your wellbeing. For confidential, non-denominational advice about spiritual wellness, call Chaplain Services at 808-433-0271. You can also speak with your Primary Care Physician about group therapy, one-on-one therapy, and other ways to address mental wellbeing. Reach out and make this the year that you take meaningful steps towards the person you want to become.
Veterans having thoughts of suicide should call the Veterans Crisis Line at 988, then press 1.
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