National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week

The National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week (NCCAW) is a celebration to focus local, regional, and national interest to inspire, educate and engage children through adults to pursue careers in cybersecurity. NCCAW takes place during November’s National Career Development Month, and each day of the week-long celebration provides for learning about the contributions, innovations and opportunities that can be found by exploring cybersecurity as a field of study or career choice.  As part of Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week, you are invited to participate in the Cybersecurity Challenge by exploring cybersecurity careers by participating in the NSA Day of Cyber  program.   The top 5 schools will be announced  at the National K-12 Cybersecurity Education Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Participate in the Cybersecurity Challenge

Read about National Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week activities