(ISC)2 Hawaii Chapter – “Talk Story” with Alan Paller (SANS Institute President and Founder)

Posted on Jun 12, 2018 in Main

The (ISC)2 Hawaii Chapter is honored to host Mr Alan Paller, SANS Institute President and Founder, as their Special Community Event guest speaker to bring Hawaii’s cybersecurity professionals, students, and enthusiasts together to promote cybersecurity.

Alan founded SANS, a college and professional cybersecurity training school that trains more than 41,000 cybersecurity technologists each year. Alan oversees a global program that identifies and celebrates people responsible for remarkable improvement in cyber risk reduction and chairs the annual RSA keynote panel on the “Seven Most Dangerous New Attack Vectors.” He has testified before the US Senate and House of Representatives and was an initial member of the President’s National Infrastructure Assurance Council. He was chosen by OMB and the Federal CIO Council as the 2005 Azimuth Award winner, a lifetime achievement award recognizing outstanding service of a single, non-government person to improving federal information technology.

Alan was also the driving force behind the highly successful CyberStart and GirlsGoCyberStar cybersecurity programs that engaged, challenged and inspired Hawaii’s and the nation’s youth. In both events, Hawaii students outperformed nearly all other states in these US cyber talent competitions.

This event will be held on June 27th, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at the Honolulu Council of the Navy League.  Refreshments will be provided and the public is welcomed to this no-cost event.

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