Brigadier General Kathleen F. Berg
Posted on Jan 21, 2025 in HING History, People
Brigadier General Kathleen F. Berg is currently assigned as the Mobility Assistant to the Director, J8, United States Pacific Command at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii. She assumed her current assignment in November 2008.
General Berg has served as a traditional guard member since August 1977, when she received her commission as a distinguished graduate of the Air National Guard Academy of Military Science. For seven years she served as the Commander of the 293rd Combat Communications Squadron at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. From 2000 to 2006, she held various positions at Headquarters, Hawaii Air National Guard, including the Director of Communications and Information. General Berg previously served as the Assistant Adjutant General-Air, Hawaii National Guard and Acting Chief of Staff, Headquarters, Hawaii Air National Guard at Fort Ruger in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 1973 University of Hawaii, Bachelor of Education(with distinction), Mathematics Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1973 University of Hawaii, Professional Diploma, Secondary Mathematics Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1980 University of Hawaii, Master of Education, Secondary Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1992 University of Hawaii, Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology, Honolulu, Hawaii
- 1997 Air War College, by Seminar
- 2006 Advanced Joint Professional Military Education, Joint Forces College, Norfolk, Virginia
- August 1977 – February 1979, Public Affairs Officer, Headquarters, 201st Combat
Communications Group, Hawaii Air National Guard, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii - March 1979 – May 1987, Communications-Electronics Systems Officer, 202nd Combat
Communication Flight, Hawaii Air National Guard, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii - May 1987 – May 1993, Chief of Operations, 293rd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii
Air National Guard, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii - May 1993 – May 2000, Commander, 293rd Combat Communications Squadron, Hawaii Air
National Guard, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii - May 2000 – August 2004, Director of Communications and Information, Headquarters, Hawaii Air
National Guard, Honolulu, Hawaii - August 2004 – April 2006, Assistant Adjutant General-Air, Hawaii National Guard, Honolulu,
Hawaii - April 2006 – November 2008, Mobility Assistant to the Director, J6, United States Pacific
Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Aiea, Hawaii - November 2008 – Present, Mobility Assistant to the Director, J8, United States Pacific Command,
Camp H.M. Smith, Aiea, Hawaii
General Berg is the Associate Director of the Curriculum Research & Development Group of the
College of Education, University of Hawaii at Manoa, where she has worked as a curriculum writer,
researcher, evaluator, teacher, and administrator since 1973.
- 1983 Hawaii Air National Guard Outstanding Officer of the Year
- 1983 Hawaii National Guard Association Officer of the Year
- 2006 Department of Defense Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Role Model (One of four National Guard winners)
- Legion of Merit
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Air Force Commendation Medal
- Air Force Achievement Medal
- Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
- Air Force Organizational Excellence Award
- National Defense Service Medal (with 1 Bronze Service Star)
- Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
- Korean Defense Service Medal
- Humanitarian Service Medal
- Air Force Longevity Service Award (with 4 Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters)
- Armed Forces Reserve Medal (with 1 Gold Hourglass)
- Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon (with 1 Bronze Star)
- Air Force Training Ribbon
Second Lieutenant 4 August 1977
First Lieutenant 4 August 1980
Captain 19 January 1984
Major 13 December 1989
Lieutenant Colonel 5 March 1994
Colonel 21 March 2002
Brigadier General 29 July 2005
(Current as of April 2009)